Attendance Notes

Attendance Notes


Attendance Notes are created when a parent provides written or verbal consent to the school for their student to be absent from class. Most commonly this occurs when the parent sends a note to the school office. A staff member will then be required to record this in Compass.

Attendance Notes can be added from within a roll, on a student's profile page and through the Attendance administration section of Compass which can be accessed from the Organisation menu (Organisation> Attendance).  

If the school has Parent Login in enabled within their Compass portal they can allow parents to lodge an Attendance Note directly into Compass via the parent portal (for NSW schools, parents when adding notes for past absences, can only do so for absences up to 7 days prior).

Attendance staff will be notified and can then authorise the attendance note (please see the section 'Authorising Attendance Notes' further below in this article for details).


There are two permissions in relation to Attendance, AttendanceBase and AttendanceAdmin.  Depending on their role within the school, staff who are adding attendance notes and/or managing attendance data will require one of these permissions.

AttendanceBase - Required to access the base level functionality in the Attendance module, including the Attendance dashboard, Attendance tabs on any profiles in Compass, and the ability to mark the roll.

AttendanceAdmin - Allows user to administer all markings of class rolls, add/edit/delete Notes/Approvals outside of a class roll, and add/edit/delete School Activities. 

For information on assigning permissions in Compass, please refer to the 'Permissions' article from our Knowledge Base.

Adding an Attendance Note from within a Roll

This method is generally used by teaching staff to add a note/approval.  Go into your class roll, locate the student within the list, hover over the student's name and then in the section that will display hover over 'Add' and click 'Attendance Note'.

This will open the Attendance Note screen and you can then add the approval details that were provided from the parent (reason, comment, date range).  Upload any related documents in the 'Attachment' section and click 'Save'.  The Attendance Note will then be added to the student's record and their attendance data will update accordingly.


It is important to remember that teachers do not need to go to the roll on the specific date the absence approval relates to, they can use any roll the student is on to access the Add Attendance Note option; they just need to ensure they set the date within the Attendance Note they are adding to be the date the absence approval relates to.

Adding an Attendance Note via the App

Please refer to the 'Adding an Attendance Note via the App' article from our Knowledge Base for details.

Adding an Attendance Note from a Student Profile Page

To add an Attendance Note for a student via their profile page, search for the student in the main Compass search bar at the top of the screen.
Click their name to go their page.


When on the student's page, hover over the 'Add' option and click 'Attendance Note'.

In the Attendance Note screen, choose the reason, add any comments and choose the applicable date range.


Click 'Save' and the Attendance Note will be added to the student's record and their attendance data will update accordingly.

Adding an Attendance Note via the Attendance Page

This method is generally used by the school Attendance Officer as the Attendance page is an area they use to manage aspects of Attendance data across the school.

Go to the Organisation menu (grid icon) and click on 'Attendance'.  Begin to type the name of the student in the 'Add Attendance Note' field.  Click on the applicable student from the list that displays.

This will open the Attendance Note screen preset with today's date.  Select the reason, add a comment if applicable, set the date to be the date/dates applicable to the Attendance Note and click 'Save'.  You can also upload an attachment if required (i.e medical certificate etc).


The Attendance Note will be added to the student's record and their attendance data will update accordingly.

Attendance Note Fields


Select the reason. Compass includes a number of reasons which are all mapped to attendance codes defined by your local department of education.


A section for comments to be recorded. These comments may include further details provided by the students' parents, or an internal note for schools records.  For NSW schools, this field is mandatory for parents.

Department Approved

The Department Approved/VCE Compliant tick box is used for approvals which comply with the requirements for VCE students to have an approved absence. This is taken into account for some attendance reports within Compass, for example the VCE% on Year Level and Form Group summary reports.

Start and Finish

Sets the start and finish date of the approval. The default within Compass are 08:00 AM and 05:00 PM on the date the approval has been entered as this covers a whole school day. These can be changed as appropriate to cover the time that the student is being approved for.

Note/Approvals can be entered for any time period up to 28 days long and can be entered ahead of time or retrospectively.

RepeatThis section of the attendance note allows staff (only staff can access this, not parents) to add a repeating note for specific circumstances i.e. a regular medical appointment.  The repeat option is not available for any absences that span more than one day.

Affected Sessions

This table automatically populates with a list of the activities (Normal Classes, Music/Support Classes and Excursions etc.) which will be covered or approved by this approval, based on the date range entered in the start/finish fields.

Add AttachmentsClick this option if you want to upload any documents provided by the student in relation to the absence i.e. medical certificates.   Parents also have the ability to include attachments when adding a note via their parent portal or when responding to the One Time Link in an SMS notification.
File size must be less than 5MB and can be PNG, JPG, PDF, DOC or DOCX files.


Indication on Rolls that an Attendance Note has been Added

Attendance Notes will appear on an affected session's roll stating the reason. If the roll has not yet been marked then the default on the roll will be pre-selected as Not Present.


If there is an asterix icon next to the Attendance Note information within the roll, it indicates that the note has not yet been authorised.

Reviewing Attendance Notes

Attendance Notes added by parents can be set to require review. 

Note: Please refer to the 'Attendance Settings' article and the 'Parent Portal' article from our Knowledge Base for further details on these setting and the parent perspective.
If you have any queries regarding your school's review settings, please contact our Support Team.
Please Note: For Northern Territory schools, any parent-added attendance notes that are not authorised, are NOT included in the automated attendance export.

When the parent has added the Attendance Note via the parent portal or app, staff with the AttendanceAdmin permission will have a notification on their dashboard that there are attendance notes requiring authorisation.


Click the link and you will be taken to the Attendance page.  Click to the 'Notes' tab and you will see the section 'Attendance Notes - Awaiting Review'.

You are also able to view Attendance Notes filtered by groups by going to the Attendance Dashboard and selecting a Group.

Click the green arrow for the note you need to review.

The note details screen will open.  Review the content added by the parent, add any required information in the 'Reviewer Comment' field and then click 'Mark as Reviewed' to complete the process.

The note will then show who was the reviewing staff member.

Editing or Deleting an Attendance Note

Attendance Notes can be amended at any time (by staff with the applicable permission level) through the Attendance dashboard within Compass (or from a student's profile).

To edit an Attendance Note locate the record under the relevant tab and click on the pencil or "Edit" button located in the right hand column of the grid. This will re-open the Note/Approval Editor screen. Update the details as required and then click "Save" to apply these changes.

The 'Audit' button within an Attendance Note can be clicked to view any changes that have been made to the Attendance Note.

Attendance Notes can also be deleted from Compass by clicking on the red cross next to the approvals in the grid in Compass.

Please Note: Deleting an Attendance Note will impact the student's attendance record, please proceed with caution.

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