Attendance Settings

Attendance Settings


Some overall aspects of Attendance can be adjusted to suit the needs of your school.  The available options are contained within 'Settings' on the Attendance page (under the Organisation menu - grid icon).



Staff require the AttendanceAdmin permission to access the attendance Settings option.

For information on assigning permissions within Compass, please refer to the 'Permissions' article from our Knowledge Base.

Adjusting the Attendance Settings

To make any changes to the attendance settings, click the 'Settings' button on the 'Dashboard' tab of the Attendance page.

You will see the available options listed, make your changes and then click 'Update' to save.


Please refer to the below sections for details on each of the setting options available.

Attendance Settings

These settings allow you to set default reasons for when creating arrival/departure notes and school activities.  You can also enable a setting to include external students in arrival/departure data.  You can also edit the content of the 'Unmarked Rolls' email notification staff receive in the 'Customise unmarked rolls email text field'.


Overall Settings

This setting allows you to determine what is the default filter settings on Unexplained tabs.  It can be set to All, Not Present or Late.


Parent Access

These settings allow you to configure some of the attendance data that parents will be able to see within their parent portal in relation to their child/children. 

Tick the option to enable.


Example Parent portal view when the following settings are enabled:

 - Daily Activities
 - Annual Summary
 - Attendance Summary
 - Full Record


Example parent portal view when Attendance Roll Stripe is enabled:


Parent Attendance Note Input

These settings allow you to manage some aspects of when parents add an attendance note.



Past Note Threshold in daysSet how many days into the past that a parent note can be entered for.
Details/Comment field mandatoryEnabling this will require parents to add content to the details/comment field of a note.  It will require a minimum of 10 characters to be entered.
Flag for Review Length in daysIf your school has a maximum length setting for how many dates a note can encompass, parents will be blocked from saving any note that exceeds the maximum setting. 
Enabling this 'Flag for Review' option allows you to set the number of day that a note can encompass (provided it is less than the overall maximum setting) that you want to allow parents to add, but you also want to review. For example, you may only allow notes in general to encompass 5 teaching days but you want a general review process for any notes that are more than 2 consecutive teaching days, you would enter '2' in this field.
Pre-fill Date FieldsEnabling this will mean that when a parent creates a note, it will pre-fill 'today's' date in the note for them.  They can still edit the date if required.

Please Note: If these settings do not display in your school's portal, please contact our Support team to review your current Attendance Note Input settings.

Roll Marking

These settings allow you to configure some aspects of Roll Marking. 


Show medical detailsEnabling this will display student medical details on the roll for staff to view.
Show access restriction flagsEnabling this will display access restriction flags for applicable students on the roll.
Show future studentsEnabling this will show students on rolls who are enrolled in the class as of a future date.
Roll Marking OptionalEnabling this will mean that rather than staff receiving a dashboard notification of any unmarked rolls, it will only notify unmarked rolls from 'Attendance Override Periods'.
Unmarked Roll Default Student StatusThis setting can be set to either 'Present' or 'Not Present'; this determines what default attendance status students have within an unmarked roll when no other attendance data is available for the student at that time.

Predict Using Previous Marking
When this setting is enabled, if a student was marked as 'Not Present Unexplained' for their class, it will be noted on the roll for the next session of that same class.

Example of roll view when Previous Marking is enabled:


Staff Access

Enabling this setting will allow any staff user to add an attendance note without any additional attendance permissions.


School Level Attendance Configuration

You can use these settings to determine the default start and finish time for notes and school activities.  When adding a note or creating a school activity, the times can still be altered, this setting just determines the defaults.


Student Access

These settings work in the same way as the Parent Attendance Configuration settings (please refer to that section further above for example images) in that they determine some of the attendance content visible on a student's profile page within their student portal.


There is also the option to set if students can export their own 'Not Present:Unexplained Letters' which, when enabled, will allow the student to download this letter for their parent via the student portal.


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