


Wallet combines a user's Compass Account, the Accounts of any linked family members (for parents), and the user's linked credit cards in one central, secure location. These can be all used to pay for different school services inside Compass.

A user's Compass Balance is linked to their staff/student Compass Identity Card. 

Wallet - For Students

Students can access their Wallet information under the Tool menu (cog icon).


They will see their current Compass Balance.


Students can use their Compass Balance for Canteen orders/purchases (for schools using the Compass Canteen feature).

Students have the option to link a credit card to top up their Compass Balance with however, parents can also top-up their child's Compass Balance from their parent account.

Wallet - For Parents

Parents can access their Wallet information under the Tools menu (cog icon).
They will see their Compass Balance and the balances of each of their children at the school.


To top up their child's Compass Balance, parents will need to first link a credit card.

They then need to click their child and choose one of the two top-up options.


If the parent wants to set up an automatic top-up, they can click that option.  They will then need to select the amount the child's Compass Balance needs to reach to trigger the top up.  They will also need to select the amount the top-up is to be.


If the parent wants to do a one-off top up, they will click that option and choose the amount.


Please Note: When making payments for Events or charges (via Billing Management), parents will have the option to select their Compass Balance as the payment method.

Events - 

Billing Management charges - 


Wallet - For Staff

Staff can access Wallet under the Tools menu (cog icon).
They can see their current balance and any linked credit card details.


Staff can use their Compass Balance for Canteen purchases (for schools using the Compass Canteen feature).

To top up their balance, they will first need to link a credit card.


When they have a linked credit card, they will have the option to top-up their Compass Balance.

Staff can set an automatic top up for their account.  This option allows them to set the amount their existing balance needs to reach to trigger the top up and select the top-up amount.  


Staff also have the option to do a one-off top up.  In this option they simply select the amount and click to Confirm.


Removing a Linked Credit Card

To remove a linked credit card, the user needs to click the linked card and then click 'Remove this card'.


Cancelling Automatic Top-Ups

To cancel an automatic top-up, on the Wallet page, the user needs to click 'Automatic top is enabled for my account' underneath their Compass Balance (parents will need to click their child's name on the left of screen first to access)

 The information will expand and the user can then click 'Remove automatic top up of my balance'.


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