WA - Exporting Attendance Data

WA - Exporting Attendance Data


Compass attendance data can be manually exported any time throughout the year. This can be done annually, quarterly, monthly, fortnightly, weekly, daily or on an ad-hoc basis.  Exporting attendance data from Compass and importing it into your School Information System (e.g. CASES21/CHESS, Denbigh, Integris, etc.) is how you report your school's attendance data back to your governing body (e.g. Department of Education and Training).

Please Note: Changes to attendance data must be made in Compass, and not be manipulated in Integris, as with each import Compass will override any changes made in Integris.


To manually export Attendance data, you will need access to the Attendance page under the Organisation menu (grid icon).  This requires the AttendanceBase permission.

For information on having permissions assigned for staff at your school, please refer to our 
Permissions article
 in the Knowledge Base.

Daily Import Process for Integris (End of Day Import)

Please Note: If you are using an external SMS provider, you will need to have your attendance data from Compass imported before your attendance SMS is sent. This will require you to complete another export in addition to the standard daily 'End of Day' import you run.  Please refer to the 'Using an External SMS Provider' section further below in this article for details.
The 'End of Day Import'  will update any changes that have taken place in Compass over the course of the year, and update Integris. For example, if you have added any new Notes and Approvals to explain an absence for a student, this export will pick up the new changes and only import those changes to Integris. 

To export your attendance data from Compass, go to the 'Organisation' menu (grid icon) and select 'Attendance'.  This will take you to the 'Attendance' page.  Click 'Attendance Export'.


Set the 'Start Date' as the beginning of the school year; set the 'Finish Date' as today's date.   Have 'Include Comments' ticked per the below image and have today's date in the 'Modified Since' field (note, if you have missed the import from the previous day, you will need to set the 'Changes Since' date to the last time you completed an import). 

Click 'Export Data' and the file will download to your device.


Import this XML to Integris as per the usual process.

Using an External SMS Provider

If you are using an external SMS provider please complete the below 'Early SMS Import' each day in addition to the standard 'End of Day Import'.

Early SMS Import - 
The time of this import will depend on when your SMS messages are sent out, please ensure that you allow enough time to both export this from Compass and then import to Integris. This step will need to be completed before your SMS' are sent.

Under the 'Organisation' menu (grid icon), select 'Attendance'.  This will take you to the 'Attendance' page.  
Click 'Attendance Export'.


Set the date range as 'today' to 'today' and have 'Include Comments' not ticked per the below image.  Click 'Export Data' and the file will download to your device.


Import this XML to Integris as per the usual process.

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