WA Census

WA Census


When Census data needs to be collated, this information can be generated in People Management via the 'WA Census' export.


To access the WA Census export, staff will require the UserRecordsAdmin permission.

For details on assigning permissions within Compass, please see the 'Permissions' article from our Knowledge Base.

Exporting the Data

To access the export, go to the 'Organisation' menu (grid icon) and select 'People Management'.

Click the 'Exports and Stats' button.


Scroll down and click 'Census Reports' and select 'WA Census Export'.


Select the applicable date range and click 'Generate' and the csv file will download to your device.  


Included Content

The file will include the following columns:
Column HeaderContent
YearCurrent year
SemesterDependent on date range selected
File DateEnd Date of range selected
School CodeSchool Code
School NameSchool name
Previous School CodeIf applicable
Previous School NameIf applicable
Enrolment DateStudent's enrolment date
Student Year LevelYear Level on the 'current' milestone in Compass. 
FTESecondary only. Estimate to be determined by school.
KINNumHoursTotalAn estimate of the average hours per week of the two weeks ending with census day.
Precompulsory SessionsAverage weekly sessions for PreKindy (PKG), Kindy (K) and PrePrimary (P)
RepeatingValue 'Y' only if repeating this year
Curriculum Council NumberCurriculum Council number 
First NameStudent's first name
Middle NameStudent's middle name
Family NameStudent's surname
Preferred NameStudent's preferred name where applicable
Indigenous StatusValues {1, 2, 3, 4, 9} where
1- Aboriginal
2- Torres Strait Islander
3- Both
4- non - Aboriginal
9- not stated
SexValues {1, 2,3,9} where
1 Male
2 Female
3 Indeterminate/Other
9 Not stated/inadequately described
Values {M, F,X or N} where
X = Indeterminate/Other
N = Not stated/inadequately describe
Date of BirthStudent's date of birth
Visa Sub ClassWhere applicable
Country of BirthABS SACC code (see ACARA Data Standards Manual)
Main language other than English spoken at home by studentABS ASCL code (see
ACARA Data Standards Manual or directly at ABS cat no 1267.0
Australian Standard Classification of Languages(ASCL), 2005,2006)
Mandatory (Note code 0002 is “Not stated”)
Residential Address 1Student's address
Residential Address 2Student's address
Suburb/localityStudent's suburb
PostcodeStudent's post code
Parent/Guardian 1 School EducationValues {1,2,3,4} where
4 Year 12 or equivalent
3 Year 11 or equivalent
2 Year 10 or equivalent
1 Year 9 equivalent or below
0 Not stated/Unknown
Data Standards Manual
(if Guardian 1 is applicable for student)
Parent/Guardian 1 Non-School EducationValues {7, 6, 5, 8, 0} where7 Bachelor degree or above
6 Advanced Diploma/Diploma
5 Cert I to IV (inc trade cert)
8 No non-school qualification:
0 Not stated/Unknown
Data Standards Manual
(if Guardian 1 is applicable for student)
Parent/Guardian 1 OccupationValues {1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9} where
1 Senior management in large business organisation, Govt administration
and defence, and qualified professionals
2 Other Business managers, art/media/sportspersons and associate professionals
3 Tradesmen/women, clerks and skilled office, sales and service staff
4 Machine operators, hospitality staff, assistants, labourers and related
8 Not in paid work in last 12 months
9 Not stated or unknown
Data Standards Manual
(if Guardian 1 is applicable for student)
Parent/Guardian 1 Language BackgroundABS ASCL code (see ACARAData Standards Manual or directly at ABS cat no 1267.0 Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL), 2005- 2006)
(if Guardian 1 is applicable for student.)
(Note code 0002 is “Not stated”)
Parent/Guardian 2 School EducationValues {1, 2, 3, 4} where4 Year 12 or equivalent
3 Year 11 or equivalent
2 Year 10 or equivalent
1 Year 9 equivalent or below
0 Not stated/Unknown
Parent/Guardian 2 Non School EducationValues {7, 6, 5, 8 ,0} where7 Bachelor degree or above
6 Advanced Diploma/Diploma
5 Cert I to IV (inc trade cert)
8 No nonschool qualification
0 Not stated/Unknown
Parent/Guardian 2 OccupationValues {1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9} where
1 Senior management in large business organisation, Govt administration and defence, and qualified professionals
2 Other Business managers, art/media/sportspersons and associate professionals
3 Tradesmen/women, clerks and skilled office, sales and service staff
4 Machine operators, hospitality staff, assistants, labourers and related workers
8 Not in paid work in last 12 months
9 Not stated or unknown
Parent/Guardian 2 Language BackgroundABS ASCL code (see ACARAData Standards Manual or directly at ABS cat no 1267.0 Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL), 2005- 2006)
(if Guardian 2 is applicable for student.)
(Note code 0002 is "Not stated")
Attendance TypeGovt schools only
Census-Not Counted
Current (Single registration)
Current main (Dual registration)
Participation List
ReligionWhere applicable
Form GroupCurrent per date range

Mandatory for Govt Schools (if student has an identified disability). NGovt can be blank.

Disability Codes
GL: Global development delay
IM: Intellectual disability mild/moderate
IS: Intellectual disability severe
AU: Autism
AS: Asperger's disorder/syndrome
PD: Pervasive development disorder
not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS)
VI: Vision impairment
DH: Deaf and hard of hearing
MD: Severe mental disorder
SL: Specific speech/language impairment
PY: Physical disability
MH: Severe medical health condition

Disability2per above
Disability3per above
Disability4per above
Disability5per above
Disability6per above
Disability7per above
Disability8per above
Disability9per above
Participating"Y" for yes, or "N" for no
Category of DisabilityPossible Values:
Disability Adjustment ProvidedPossible Values:
No Adjustment
International Fee Paying"Y" if student is paying enrolment fee, "N" if student is not paying enrolment fee

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