VIC - Financial Management and CASES21

VIC - Financial Management and CASES21

Importing Financial Data from CASES21 into Compass School Manager

There are 3 exports that need to be run from CASES21 into Compass to set up the Financial Management modules (Budgeting and Purchase Ordering) in Compass.

These are all exported from CASES21 as .txt or .csv files and imported into the Compass system.

Click the link below for the applicable SQL file.

-Accounts SQL
-Creditors SQL
-SubPrograms SQL

Please refer to the 'Importing from CASES' article from our Knowledge Base for details on extracting the files from CASES then refer to the section below for information on how to import the data into Compass.



Required for the Compass Budgeting and Purchase Ordering modules.

Your accounts are imported into Compass via the Financial Management dashboard (under the grid menu icon).

To import your Accounts, click the 'Accounts' button.


Click 'Choose file', select your accounts file from your device then click 'Upload'. 

Please Note: When importing your Accounts, any existing Accounts in Compass not contained in the new file will be archived.


Required for the Compass Purchase Ordering module.

Your creditors are imported into Compass via the Financial Management dashboard (under the grid menu icon).

To import your creditors, click the 'Creditors' button.


Click 'Choose file' and select your exported creditor file (from CASES), then click 'Upload'.

Please Note: When importing your Creditors, any existing system Creditors in Compass not included in the new file will be archived.


Required for the Compass Budgeting and Purchase Ordering modules.

Sub-Programs are stored against a specific Financial Period.

Within a financial period click the 'Import Sub-Programs' button, select the file you have exported from CASES and click 'Import Sub-Programs'.


When Sub-Programs are imported into Compass the school's Business Manager is allocated as the Sub-Program manager for all programs by default. To update Sub-Programs so that the correct staff members are allocated as the Sub-Program Manager please follow the instructions below.

To edit the Sub-Program Manager and allocate the applicable staff member,  click the edit pencil icon in the right hand column of the Sub-Programs table in a financial period.

Select the correct manager from the drop down box. You can filter the list by typing the staff members name or code into the box.

Click 'Update' to save the changes.

NB: Sub-Program managers are involved in the approval process for purchase orders that include items purchased for their sub-program. They are also able to add budget items for their sub-program using the budgeting module.

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