Shop is a feature of the Canteen module that can be used to set-up an online sale/ordering system for other school services like Uniform shops, Mother's day stalls etc.
Schools can have multiple Shop menus to cater for the various types required for your school community.
To create a Shop, go to the 'Organisation' menu (grid icon) and select 'Canteen/Shop Management'.
Click 'Add Menu'.
Give the Shop a title i.e Uniform Shop. You can also add a description if required.
Set the 'Menu Type' as 'Shop'.
Image | Hover over the image field and click 'Edit' to upload an image of the item. |
Name | Name the menu item. |
Description | Add a description for the item. |
Sale Price | Enter the sale price and set tax setting. |
Cost Price | Enter the cost price per item and set the tax field. |
Set Quantity Available | If you have limited stock of the item, you can tick this and then in the below field set the quantity of this item available. When the limit is reached via online sales, the item will no longer be available for purchse. You can edit the quantity available at any time if stock levels change. |
Quantity Available | If using the above, set the number of the item available for sale in this field. |
Tags | Every item requires at least one tag. Tags can be a category or an attribute. When viewing the entire shop menu, the user will be able to view items by category or see attributes of an item. If your school does not yet have any tags created in the dropdown, click the 'Create Tag' button to create some tags for this menu. |
Options | If the item has some variable options, you can add them here. If the option adds an additional cost to the item, you can enter the additional cost to the user for the option here. |
Parents Can Order | Tick to enable parents to be able to order this item. |
Students Can Order | Tick to enable students to be able to order this item. |
Staff Can Order | To to enable staff to be able to order this item. |
Once you have completed all the fields, click 'Save' and the item will be added to the menu.
To manage a Shop, click into the Shop from the main Canteen/Shop page (under the Organisation menu, grid icon).
This will take you to the Dashboard of that specific Shop. Here you will see a series of Tabs.
Here is where you can manage the menu items for this Shop. Clicking the edit pencil icon for an item will allow you to edit details such as costs, quantities etc if required.
Here is where you can manage Tags for the shop. You can add tags by clicking 'Add Tag'. You can archive tags, by selecting them and click 'Selected' and choosing 'Archive'. Clicking the edit pencil icon for a Tag will allow you to change it's type from Category to Attribute and edit the name.
This is where you manage orders.
Clicking the page icon for an order will show details about that order.
Click 'Advanced Filter' will give you a range of options to filter orders by.
You can select orders and then click 'Selected Orders' to update the selected orders' status.
Selecting to 'Mark as cancelled' will give you the option to add a reason. When confirmed, cancelling the order will cause a refund to the user's available Compass Balance.
Selecting 'Bulk Cancel Order Items' allows you to specify a particular item contained across various orders as no longer available. Again, you can add a reason and once confirmed, the selected orders will be updated to reflect the cancellation of that item and a refund for that item amount will go to the applicable users Compass Balance.
Reports Tab
This tab gives you an overview of statistics for the displayed date range. You can adjust the date range as required.
You can also click the 'Reports' button to access a range of detailed reports.
Transaction Summary | Gives a summary of data for the specified period. |
Stock Item Financial Analysis | This report downloads a csv file that shows a line for each item with data columns showing quantity, cost price, sale prices, sale revenue and item profit for the designated period. |
To place an order, the user will need to go to the 'Community' menu and select 'Shop'.
For a parent, they will first select the student they are ordering for. They can then choose from the available 'Shop' options.
Items contained within that Shop will then display for the user to select from. They can then proceed to the checkout to complete their purchase.