SchoolFront allows schools to include selected NewsFeed posts in an RSS feed on their school website, or alternatively embed an iFrame window on their website which will automatically display these posts in a feed.
This provides an efficient way to extend communication about specific school events or announcements to the broader community.
To use SchoolFront, please complete the following steps.
1 - Email a request to have the SchoolFront feature enabled for your school to our Sales Team via
Please ensure the email is from your school's Compass Sponsor or a member of the school leadership staff (i.e. Principal, Business Manager etc).
2 - When advised by Compass that the feature has been enabled, staff with the 'Configure' permission will be able to go to the 'Administration Tools' menu (under the cog icon) and select the 'SchoolFront option.
To use the RSS function: on the SchoolFront page, copy the specified URL for your school and provide it to your website manager.
To embed the Feed Widget: copy the iFrame source code and provide it to your website manager.
Once the SchoolFront setup steps have been completed, to add content from the NewsFeed in Compass to the SchoolFront feed on your school's website, when creating a NewsFeed post, you will need to tick the option to 'Publish' in SchoolFront section.
Only staff with the NewsFeedAdmin permission will have this option.
Clicking the information icon will provide details on the content from the post that will be included in the SchoolFront feed on the linked school website.
You can preview all the NewsFeed posts that have been set to be included in the SchoolFront feed by going to the 'Administration Tools' menu (under the cog icon) and selecting the 'SchoolFront' option.