Rapid Receipting

Rapid Receipting


Compass's Rapid Receipting function allows you to import the details of all payments that have been made through CompassPay directly into CASES21, allowing quick allocation of each payment to the relevant outstanding payment item. The process for this is Downloading, Importing, then Processing & Allocating. 

Enabling BPAY for CASES21

Rapid Receipting requires the BPAY functionality in CASES21 to be activated. If your school has not already activated this please refer to the CASES21 Finance Business Process Guide - Families - BPAY for details on activating BPAY receipting. Please keep in mind, your school does not need to actually use BPAY, but the function in CASES21 has to be activated.

You will also need to have the 'Bpay Biller Code' field filled out on the Extra Financial Info tab of your CASES21 Database Properties screen. Note that the default BPAY Biller Code is 87361. If your school is not using BPAY or is using Westpac for BPAY payments then enter the default 87361 Biller Code.


To download the Rapid Receipting file log in to your CompassPay account at www.compasspay.com/admin.

Navigate to the 'Transfers' tab

From the Transfers tab click the date of the transfer to open the report containing the individual payment item details.

From the Transfer Information screen you can see the individual payments that make up the batch. In the
Receipting section you will see how many transactions within the transfer are available for rapid receipting.

Tip: You should compare the number of transactions that are available for Rapid Receipting to the Total # of transactions (which is listed at the top). Any transactions that are not available for Rapid Receipting will need to be manually receipted in CASES21.

Click the 'Download' link to download the file. 


W A R N I N G !

**Do NOT open the file, just download it. Opening the file causes it to be reformatted, resulting in data corruption. If this is imported into CASES21 it may cause transaction payment values to be treated as negative values.**


If you opened the file download a new copy.

After clicking 'Download' select 'Save' if your browser prompts you to. (As mentioned above, do not click Open.)

As you are on a CASES machine you will need to put the file in a location that can be accessed when using CASES21. One way to do this is to click the 'Open Folder' button after the file has been saved.

This will take you to the file's location in your selected Downloads folder. You can then right click the file and select 'Copy', and then navigate to a different location on your computer and right click and select 'Paste'. Alternatively you can drag and drop the file into the other folder. Keep in mind the target folder should be one that can be accessed within CASES21, so is often the school's U Drive.

Tip: You may want to create a new folder on the share drive specifically for these files, titled 'CompassPay' or similar.


Within CASES21 navigate to Financial > Families > Process BPAY Receipts, and select 'BPAY Bank File Import CBA'.
Regardless of the school's banking institution, ALWAYS select 'BPAY Bank File Import CBA'.
Click 'Run' at the top left of the Import popup window. 

Navigate to where you saved the Rapid Receipting file out of CompassPay. Select the file and click 'Open'.

Check the Unprocessed BPAY Receipts report [DF21904] to ensure that all transactions were correctly imported. This report is available under Financial by navigating to Families > Process BPAY Receipts > Unprocessed BPAY Receipts [DF21904]. 

If you want to print this report out use the 'Print' button at the top left.

Processing & Allocating

To process a batch of BPAY receipts click 'BPAY Receipts [DF31062]', which is available in the same section as above (Financial > Families > Process BPAY Receipts). 

This will open a popup like in the image below - you can leave the Description field as is, or add further information (like 'compass') to the description. Click 'OK'.

From this screen you should print the bank deposit slip and the audit trail by hovering of the 'Print' button and selecting 'Bank Deposit Slip' from the options that dropdown, and then selecting 'Audit Trail' once the Bank Deposit Slip has completed.

Once these have completed you will receive the following message asking you to update the batch. Click 'Yes'.

Once this is completed select the 'Manually allocate BPAY Receipts' option below (still in the Financial > Families > Process BPAY Receipts section of CASES21). From here you can begin allocating the individual payments.

To allocate the payments search for the Family Key using the search box at the top left of the Family Allocations screen.  This screen is divided into four sections, which are as follows:

Payments for this Family Key in this batch
(These will all be negative numbers in the Outstanding column)

All outstanding payment for Family Key
(These will all be positive numbers in the Outstanding column)

Payment technical details (date, batch #, amount, etc...)

Payment personal details (student name,  Event/Payment Name, student code)

In the top right quadrant you'll see the outstanding payments that have been entered into CASES21 previously (e.g. Events, Fees, etc...) for this Family Key.

At the top left you'll see details about the payments that have been imported from CompassPay. 

  1. Total to Allocate is the amount of payments in the batch for that family code (this is a negative number)
  1. Outstanding Amount is the sum of all the owed payments on the right

To allocate a payment click it on the left (the outstanding column will be a negative number), and then double click the corresponding outstanding amount on the right. The Outstanding column on both sides of the screen will change to $0.00 when the payment is allocated. Do this for all payments displaying in the top left quadrant of the screen. 

Note: if the family has multiple students with the same amount owed you should check the bottom right-hand side to confirm which student the payment was made for on Compass, using the Student or First Name field. 

Once you've allocated all the payments for the Family Key click the 'Save' button at the top. 
Tip: If you make a mistake click 'Refresh' at the top of the screen instead of clicking 'Save'. This will allow you to correct your mistake. Only click 'Save' when the allocations for the selected Family Key have been done correctly.

Once you are done allocating the payments it's best practices to click the 'Mark as processed' link on the 'Transfers' tab in CompassPay, but please refer to your school's Accounts Team processes for confirmation.

Allocating Alternate Family Payments

Within Compass, any family linked to a student is able to make payments related to that student.

In CASES21 an invoice against a student for school events is applied to the Primary family. 

Within CASES21 a student can have up to 3 family records, Primary, Alternative and Additional.

If the Alternative or Additional family for a student make the payment within Compass, their family ID will be listed in the rapid receipting file imported to CASES21.  This results in the school receiving a receipt for a family with no charges listed.

You can allocate this to the charges on the Primary family by using the following workaround:

Step 1 - Family Receipt Reversal [DF31064]

Financial – Families – Process and Print Receipts - Family Receipt Reversal [DF31064]

Batch Description: AltFamFix STU0001 XX dd/mm
(XX is your initials, dd/mm is today's date)

Family key: ALTxxxx (enter ALT family ID)

Amount: (enter amount paid)

Print audit trail and process the batch

Step 2 -  Allocated reverse receipt to original receipt

Financial Families Process Credit Notes Allocate Receipts and Credit Notes

Family Key: ALTxxxx (enter ALT family ID)

There should be a receipt on the left and a reverse receipt on the right that you can allocate to each other (just double-click the amount on the right).
Print the allocation and close the window

Step 3 -  Family Receipt by Student Key [DF31066]

Financial Families Process and Print Receipts - Family Receipt by Student Key [DF31066]

Batch Description: AltFamFix STU0001 XX dd/mm
(XX is your initials, dd/mm is today's date)

Student Key: STUxxxx (enter STU ID)

Amount: (enter amount paid)

Detail: AltFamFix STU0001 XX dd/mm
(XX is your initials, dd/mm is today's date)

Type: EF

When you save the transaction the allocation screen will appear. You should be able to allocate this receipt to the correct charge.

Print audit trail and process the batch.

Step 4 -  Reconcile two batch in the bank reconciliation

When doing the bank reconciliation there will be two batches from steps 1 and 3: one for $10 and one for -$10. You can mark them both as reconciled, which reconciles them against each other (no impact on bank statement).


What do I do if I opened the file in Excel and then imported it into Compass?

Contact the Compass Support Team who will provide you with new files to import and directions on the process to follow.

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