Attendance Calculation is the process of ascertaining Roll Markings, Attendance Notes and Arrivals/Departures to generate attendance data for each student at the school. This data is then stored in the database so it can be quickly be accessed when the data is required to be displayed on a student's profile or when an attendance report/export is generated.
For details on how to export attendance data, please refer to the section further below in this article called 'OneSchool Half Day Absence Export'.
To ascertain a student's Attendance status at a given time in the school day, Compass will use 'Slices'.
Slices look through all the possible layers of attendance at key points in the day and results in an 'Extended Status' (counted or non-counted attendance data) that meets the prescribed SOA conditions.
Students have an extended status recorded for each half day, one for the AM half and one for the PM half. For students at school the entire day, they would have a 'Present' status recorded for the AM half day and a 'Present' status recorded for the PM half day.
Students who are absent for part or all of the day will be given the applicable absence code and reason based on the attendance information entered into Compass.
Consideration as to whether a student is counted as absent when they arrive late or depart early is based on the time the arrival/departure occurred; per the SOA, there is a 120 minute threshold at both the start and end of each school day, student arrivals/departures within this threshold do not count as an absence.
Absence Codes for Full or Part Day Absence:
Type of Absence | Code | Notes |
Entire Day | A | Student was absent the entire day |
Early (No Penalty) | E | Student left early but within the final 2 hours of scheduled schooling. This will not count as an afternoon/half day absence. |
Late (No Penalty) | L | Student arrived late but within 2 hours of scheduled schooling. This will not count as a morning/half day absence. |
Morning | M | Student was absent for the morning or arrived after the first 2 hours of scheduled schooling. |
Afternoon | P | Student was absent for the afternoon or departed prior to the final 2 hours of scheduled schooling. |
Where an explanation for an absence that is deemed reasonable has been included, the attendance data will record the reason. Where no explanation was provided, it will be recorded as an unexplained absence (Code 'U').
Below are a series of scenario examples based on a 9am to 3:30pm school day and the SOA conditions.
Example 1
Student arrives at 10am - They would receive a Late 'L' code for their AM Half Day Attendance and be counted as Present for their PM Half Day Attendance.
Example 2
Student arrives at school on time but departs at 2pm - They would be counted as Present for their AM Half Day and receive an Early 'E' code for their PM Half Day Attendance.
Example 3
Student arrives at 11:15am - They will receive a Morning 'M' code (absent) for their AM Half Day Attendance as they arrived after the 2 hour late threshold. They will be counted as Present for their PM Half Day Attendance.
Example 4
Student is at school at the start of the day and departs at 10am - They would be considered Present for their AM Half Day Attendance and receive the Afternoon 'P' code for their PM Half Day Attendance.
Example 5
Student arrives at 10am then departs at 11am - They would receive a Late 'L' code for their AM Half Day Attendance and the Afternoon 'P' code (absent) for their PM Half Day Attendance.
Example 6
Student arrives at school on time but departs at 10am, returning at 11am - They would be counted as Present for their AM Half Day and Present for their PM Half Day Attendance.
Example 7
Student arrives at school on time and then departs at 3pm- They would be counted Present for their AM Half Day Attendance and receive the Early 'E' code for their PM Half Day Attendance.
Example 8
Student arrives at school on time and then departs at 1pm - They would be counted Present for their AM Half Day Attendance and receive the Afternoon 'P' (absent) code for their PM Half Day Attendance.
Example 9
Student arrives at school on time and then departs at 12pm, returning at 3pm- They would be counted Present for their AM Half Day Attendance and Present for their PM Half Day Attendance.
Example 10
Student arrives at school on time and then departs at 12pm, returning at 1pm. They then depart for the day at 2pm - They would be counted Present for their AM Half Day Attendance and receive the Early 'E' code for their PM Half Day Attendance.
To export your school's half day absence data for importing into OneSchool, under the Organisation menu (grid icon) select 'Attendance'. On the Attendance page, click 'Attendance Export'.
Select 'OneSchool Half Day Absence (CSV)'. Ensure the date range is from the start of the current school year to 'today'. We recommend leaving the 'Include Exited Students' ticked. Click 'Export Data' and the file will generate and download to your device ready for import into your SIS.