QLD - Queensland Adjusted Roll Marking to One Session a Day

QLD - Queensland Adjusted Roll Marking to One Session a Day


When implementing Online Learning you can adjust your usual practice of teachers marking a roll each period to only taking attendance once a day and having Compass then assume the students taken attendance status across the rest of the day.

This is achieved through the use of intelligent roll marking settings whereby a teacher will mark a student as ‘Present’ or ‘Not Present’ in the standard roll marking session in the morning, and Compass will then use this mark to complete the rolls throughout the rest of the day. If this single period us not marked, it will display as an unmarked roll for the assigned teacher.

Parents of students that are marked as 'Not Present' in school will receive a same day notification SMS (if this feature has been enabled and set-up by the school) and will need to follow the usual approval process by entering Attendance Notes or contacting the school directly.

Adjusting Roll Marking to One Session per Day

  1. Navigate to the 'cog' icon and click 'Administration Tools'.

  2. Click the 'Configure Schedules' menu option.

  3. Within here, navigate to the ‘Periods’ step on the left.

  4. Once here, you will need to go through each day and decide which period will need to be marked for the days attendance. For example, Period 1 is to be used for taking attendance, and Periods 2 through 5 will be auto-marked based on the marking for Period 1. To do this we need to change the settings for each period in the RMMO (Roll Marking Mode Override) column. To do so click the edit pencil next to a period you don’t want to mark (e.g. Period 2), then under the RMMO column select ‘Intelligent’’. This will mean that the Period 2 roll will be marked based off the roll for Period 1.

    Click ‘Update’ and move onto the next period (you will only need to do this for the periods that have classes scheduled in them, so not break periods).
  1. Repeat this process for each of the days listed on the left-hand side.  Your period structure should now look something like this with only the Period 1 set to ‘Default’ and all other sessions set to ‘Intelligent’.

  1. Once you have completed these steps, you will need to import your timetable again. This will need to be done through the Compass Data Sync Tool. This will change all of your future rolls going forward to your desired configuration.

If you require any assistance with this process, please contact our Support Team via support@compass.edu.au or on 07 3149 3223.

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