OnDemand Data

OnDemand Data

Importing OnDemand Data

OnDemand data is imported directly from the school's OnDemand Server. The steps below will explain how to extract the data from the Server, and then how to import the data into Compass.

As you will need access to the school's OnDemand server, we recommend that this process is completed by your school's IT Technician.

Export Data 

1. Open a remote desktop session to the school's OnDemand Server.
2. Open SQL Management Studio and connect to the local server.

3. Click the 'New Query' button.

4. Paste in the following query, then click the "Execute" button.
FROM [AIM].[dbo].TEST  


5a. See Test Data in the top output section, left click in white box top left the corner in tests section to select all data, and right click in the same box, select save results as.

5b. See Results Data in the bottom output section, left click in white box top left the corner in results section to select all data, and right click in the same box, select save results as.

6. Save the results in an appropriate location in CSV format.

Import Data

1. Login to Compass and go to the Teaching and Learning Menu (pencil icon) > Analytics

2. Select 'Add Analytics Cycle' (please note you will require the AnalyticsAdmin permission to create a cycle).


3. A pop-up titled 'Add Analytics Cycle' will appear. From the 'Cycle' drop-down box, select OnDemand.

4. Once this has been selected, you will then have the ability to select Year of Test and a suffix.

The suffix is added as you will most likely be doing multiple imports of the same file but selecting different years and import bounds. The suffix is required so that Compass can differentiate between the different cycles with a unique identifier.

5. Next you will set your Cycle Bounds.

Cycle bounds must be set for your OnDemand cycle because students take the test more than once. The file exported from the OnDemand server will contain all data for all tests taken. When cycle bounds are applied results will only be imported for tests taken within the specific date range set in your cycle bounds.
6. You will then select 'Choose File' next to OnDemand Tests, navigate to the location where you have saved your test file, and then click 'Open.'

7. Select 'Choose File' next to OnDemand Results, navigate to the location where you have saved your results file, and then click 'Open.'

8. Once all fields have been completed, click on 'Create.' This will create an OnDemand test cycle for the dates specified in your cycle bounds. A pop-up will open allowing you to view details of the cycle that has just been created. The cycle name and type will be visible in the top left-hand corner, tests taken in the bottom left-hand corner, and students enrolled on the right-hand side. Using the filter, you will be able to search for specific students to see if they are enrolled in the cycle. 

When you first open the Analytics module you will see a list of all cycles that have been created in Compass for all test types. Clicking on the pencil icon beside any of these OnDemand cycles will open this pop-up menu with cycle details for you. 

Cycle Status

On the Analytics page, you will see a status column which lets you know the status of all analytics cycles in Compass. When your OnDemand cycle is originally created, it will appear in this list as 'Hidden.' In order to make results visible in Compass, you will need to change this status to ReadOnly. 

To do this, you will first tick the box to the right-hand side of the cycle in question. Then click on 'Selected Cycles' > 'Set Cycle Status To' > 'Readonly.'

Import Errors

If the below error appears after you attempt to create a cycle it means that there are two records for one student in the import and as such, Compass cannot process the information. In order for the results to be imported, only one record can exist for each student code. It may be a case that the cycle bounds set when creating the cycle were not narrow enough to exclude multiple results.  If narrower bounds are set on the cycle, this should result in only one test result per student being imported.

If you encounter the error "failed to import OnDemand data due to duplicate entries for student:XXX####"
This is due to the student having two entries that fall between the cycle bounds.
-In order to rectify this issue, you will need to either narrow the cycle bounds or delete this test line from the results file.

In order to remove a line from the Results CSV file, open the file in a program OTHER THAN Excel (i.e. Notepad or Sublime) and delete this line from the cycle.
-You should now be able to upload this file successfully.

If there are any errors with your import or you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact our Support Team at support@compass.edu.au.

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