in the Knowledge Base.
Automatically Importing Attendance Data (for Northern Territory Public Schools only).
Compass has the ability to automatically write-back attendance data into SAMSG2, removing the need for schools to manually export attendance data at regular intervals.
Once enabled, Compass will export attendance data into SAMSG2 at approximately 6:30PM each school day (if you are unsure if this has been enabled for your school, please contact our Support Team).
The attendance data for each xml import includes attendance data marked (created and updated) between 6:00PM previous day till 5:59PM current day Local NT time (GMT+9:30).
The SAMSG2 export will only contain attendance data for periods which have the SIS PEI column filled in. The period code sent is populated with the value entered into the SIS PEI column.
To set which periods are included for attendance at your school, go to the Tools menu (cog icon) and select 'Administration Tools'. From the list, click 'Configure Schedules'.
Ensure the displayed 'Year' is the current year and click to the 'Periods' screen.
Click the edit pencil icon for the listed periods that you need to assign a SIS PEI for and enter the number for that period to be referenced in the xml export.
Click 'Update' to save and continue to do this for all the listed periods that need to be included in the xml export (i.e. you may have 'Lunch' or 'Recess' periods listed and, as these are not used for Attendance purposes, you would not assign a SIS PEI number for these).
Click to 'Day 2' and repeat the process to assign SIS PEI numbers to the applicable periods.
Continue to do so until each of the listed Cycle Days for your school has SIS PEI numbers assigned to the applicable periods.
Please Note: Any attendance data associated with suspensions in Compass (Extended Status Z, H) are not sent in this export as all suspension related attendance needs to be entered manually into SAMSG2.