Once you have imported data re cancelling the classes from your timetable software, this should reflect on your Compass portal.
To cancel the classes for the day go to the Daily Organisation page, which can be accessed in the Organisation menu (grid icon). Click the 'Class Manager' tab to view the classes running for the day.
Once you've selected the correct date at the top right you should see the classes for that date in the table below. To cancel the classes you will want to select them all using the tick box at the top left of the table.
In order to cancel all classes at once you may need to increase the amount of items listed. In the example above you can see the table is only display 20 classes out of 169. To ensure that we will cancel everything, the Items number should be changed to 200 so that all 169 classes are listed on the page.
Be sure to click the top tick box at the left to select every row on the screen, and then click the 'Cancel Selected' button which has a big red X. This will cancel all classes that had been highlighted. You will receive a message confirming that you wish to make these changes. Click 'OK' to confirm.