NSW - Billing Schedules

NSW - Billing Schedules


Billing Schedules are used to generate and process invoices for items such as school fees, consumables, resources etc.  The integration with Tech1 allows for invoicing and payment to be allocated to the applicable debtors and general ledger accounts.



Staff who require access to view/edit/create Billing Schedules will need to have the applicable permission.

Billing.AdminAllows the user to manage the Compass Billing management module.
Billing.BaseGives the user access to the Billing page and lets you view the dashboard & logs tabs as well as viewing the billing schedule itself.
Billing.ConfigureAllows users to access the Item Templates tab and perform all actions inside.
Billing.CreateUsers with this permission have the ability to create ad-hoc transactions, receipting, creation of billing schedules, modification of billing schedules that you've created, duplicate billing schedules.  It also gives the ability to Post Charges from Events.

For details on assigning permissions in Compass, please refer to the  'Permissions' article from our Knowledge Base.

Viewing Billing Schedules

To view existing Billing Schedules, click the title.


In the Schedule you will see two tabs, 'Billing Items' and 'Enrolments'.

Billing Items
On the 'Billing Items' tab you will see an items included in the Billing Schedule.  You will see any related discounts for the item, it's due date and also the amount for the item.


You can click the page icon for the item to view more details.


Clicking 'Reports' will give you the option to download reports in relation to the Billing Schedule.



Billing Schedule ReportThis downloads a pdf file to your device showing what has been billed by debtor.
Billing Items ReportThis downloads a csv file to your device containing the details of Debtor Code, Debtor Title, Student Name, Year Level, Form Group, Billing Item, Amount, Tax Included, Discounted Amount, Discounted Tax Included for each item billed.

On the 'Enrolment' tab you will see all the students enrolled for that Billing Schedule and a series of columns for each student providing key details.


Last ModifiedDate of the last action in this Billing Schedule for the student
StatusUnprocessed - Charges have not yet been posted for this student
No Debors - There are no Debtors associated with the student
Charges Raised - Items in this Billing Schedule have been posted for this student
Error - Indicates that charges have not posted for this student due to an error.   Clicking on the 'Error' status will provide further details of what the error relates to.
Skipped - Indicates posting charges for this student was skipped and the applicable reason will display when clicked.
Charges SentThe date the charges were issued for that student.

Creating a Billing Schedule

To create a Billing Schedule, on the 'Dashboard' tab, click 'Add Billing Schedule'.


Complete the details required in the pop-up on the 'Basic' tab.


TitleName the Billing Schedule in line with diocesan requirements.
FMS Processing GroupAdd the applicable group
DescriptionInclude any further details required
Billing Schedule TypeSelect the applicable type (this cannot be changed once the schedule has been created) from the drop-down:
Student Fees - This type will create charges for all enrolments
Debtor Fees - This type will only create charges for enrolments that are eldest among their determined siblings, per household.  If choosing this option, you will then be required to also select the Sibling Scope.

If required, you can then click to the 'Validation' tab.  Enabling validation for this Schedule (which can be done at a later time) means that you can set specific parameters so that at some point after this billing schedule has been run, you can trigger a report to check if any subsequent students who should be included in this schedule have not yet been added/billed (i.e. students who commence later in the year etc).


Click the box to enable and then you can complete the applicable fields needed.  Please refer to the 'Validation' section further below in this article for details on how to then run the applicable report.

Click 'Save' and the new Billing Schedule will be created and you will see it listed on the 'Dashboard' tab.  Click the title to open it.


If you need to edit the Billing Schedule settings you can do so by clicking that option.  Please note you cannot change the type.


Now that you have created the schedule, you can add Billing Items.  To do so, click 'Add Billing Item'.


Choose the applicable Template from the drop-down.
Add the Title for this item and the applicable Description.  Set the amount, due date and include any applicable discounts.


If you want the item to be pro-rated for students who are enrolled later in the year, you will need to set up Pro-rata dates now. 

When setting up your Pro-rata dates, you will need to include a start and end date, and then a date per division of the fees. 
For example, to set up Pro-rata dates so that fees decrease by 25% each term, you could set them up like this:


This would result in the following breakdown of fees:


Keep in mind that the Enrolment Date of the student is the date of their Active Milestone at your school, not their class enrolment date. 

Click 'OK' and the item will be added to the schedule.

Continue to add all the items required for this Billing Schedule.

If you need to edit any added items, click the associated pencil icon. You will be able to edit these up until the first time that you Post fees, and then they will be locked for editing. 


Next you will need to click to the 'Enrolments' tab.  Click 'Add Enrolments' to add students into the schedule.


Add in the applicable students via the available options.  You can click 'Advanced' for other options if required (i.e via UserCode etc)


Review the 'Status' for each student and resolve any issues (i.e. for students showing as 'Error', click the error for details).  Only students listed as 'Unprocessed' will be able to have the Billing Schedule posted.


Click back to the 'Billing Items' tab.  Click 'Post' to issue the charges for the enrolled students.  


Click to the 'Enrolments' tab to review the status for all students, it will show 'Charges Raised' if successful.

Note: If you need to add further students after you have posted the Billing Schedule, you can do so.  Add the students to the 'Enrolments' tab and then click back to the 'Billing Items' tab and the 'Post' button will be accessible.

Bulk Posting Schedules

If you have more than one Billing Schedule to post, you can select the applicable schedules on the 'Dashboard' tab, click 'Selected' and then 'Post Schedules'.


The validation process will be triggered.  In the validation pop-up you will see which of the selected schedules passed validation and which did not.  Only the selected schedules that pass validation will be posted.  You will be prompted to confirm that you want to proceed.

Reversing a Billing Schedule

If you need to completely reverse a Billing schedule, you can do so by selecting the applicable schedule (or schedules) and then clicking the 'Selected' button.  Choose 'Reverse'.  


This will duplicate all the details of the selected billing schedule into a new billing schedule with the applicable reversal amount and 'Reverse' in the title i.e. if the selected billing schedule was called 'Smith Fees' for a total of '$800' then after selecting the Reverse option, another billing schedule will be added with all the details to the original one but it will be called 'Reverse Smith Fees' and be for '-$800'.

Validation - Find and Raise

If you need to review that all applicable students were included in a Billing Schedule, you can use the 'Find and Raise' report.
To use this report you will first need to set the validation components for the specific Billing Schedule.  You can do this when first setting up the schedule, or by going into the schedule and selecting 'Billing Schedule Settings' and editing the 'Validation' tab.


Tick the option to enable validation.  Then add in the field or fields you want the 'Find and Raise' report to use to look for students not currently in the schedule who should be i.e. if the schedule had billed students in Year 10 and then later in the year you want to check that all Year 10 students were included, you would set 'Year 10' as the year level on the validation tab.
Click 'Save' to update your changes.


Now that there are some validation parameters, you can go back to the main Billing Management screen.  Select the schedule you want to check student enrolments for and click 'Tools' and select 'Find and Raise'.


The report will run and show any students not currently enrolled in the billing schedule that meet the requirements set on the 'Validation' tab of that schedule's settings.
You can then select the students that should be included and click 'Enrol Selected Students and Raise Charges'.


You will be prompted to confirm this action and then the student/students will be added to the scheduled and charges will be raised.


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