For Shared teaching arrangements or staffing changes, you may need to have multiple teacher names display on Semester Reports.
You are able to modify the method being used by going to the Semester Report Cycle Settings under the Report Content tab 'Teacher Name(s) on Report' setting:
All Involved Teachers (academic year) | The names of all staff members who have been allocated to teach this class during the academic year will be listed on the report. |
All Involved Teachers (enrolment bounds) | The names of all staff members who have been allocated to teach this class during the enrolment bounds of your reporting cycle will be listed on the report. This is the preferred setting for most schools, unless you have very narrow enrolment bounds. |
Lead Teacher Only | Lead teacher only - only the name of the allocated lead teacher for the class will appear on the report. You can check who the lead teacher is in Compass by going to the Subjects & Classes page (under the Teaching & Learning menu), and finding the class. |
Manually select teachers | This will default to the Lead Teacher but also enable the option to manually assign teacher names to classes when configuring the Subjects of the cycle. |
Restrict enter results access to manually selected teachers only | When this setting is enabled, only teachers listed in the Subject Configuration against a class within this reporting cycle will be able to enter results for that class regardless of if they have been timetabled on for a session of that class. When this is not enabled, if the 'Manually Select teachers' option is selected for Teacher Name on Reports, then only staff who have been timetabled for a session of the class will be able to enter results for that class regardless of if they are listed to be a named teacher on the report or not. |
The simplest way to assign multiple teachers is to choose the manual option for teacher names in the Cycle settings of the report. This allows you to allocate one or more teacher names to each class within a subject.
If the option to manually set the teacher names on the subject is enabled for this cycle, you will have the option to edit which teacher/teachers names are listed for this subject for each applicable class (it will default initially as the Lead Teacher).
Once sessions are assigned, the extra teachers names will be able to be included on the reports; these staff members will also be able to access the class within the Report writing module to enter results if required.
Primary Schools that use Schedule Builder to timetable their classes (part of the annual Rollover process) need to include any shared teacher arrangements when generating their schedule. To view/edit your current schedule arrangement, go to the 'Teaching and Learning' menu (pencil icon) and select 'Subjects and Classes'.
Click to the 'Schedule Builder' tab.
Click into your current year's schedule.
On the 'Classes' tab, you can see the designated 'Lead' teacher for each class.
Click to the 'Timetable' tab and select the applicable form that has a Shared teaching arrangement.
Click the applicable AM/PM session/sessions that the other teacher in the shared arrangement will be taking. Update the teacher to their details and then click 'Update & Close' to save.
Repeat this process for each session required for this Form. Then select the next Form with a Shared arrangement and update it accordingly. Repeat the process until all Shared teaching arrangements are allocated.
You will now need to regenerate the schedule to update all the applicable sessions ongoing (please note, changes to the schedule only affect future sessions, past sessions will remain unchanged). Click 'Save and Generate' which will trigger the update.
Depending on the number of changes, this can take some time to process. You can track the process on the 'Import Jobs' page in the 'Administration Tools' menu (under the cog icon in the top right of your portal). You will need to ensure the 'Enrolment Bounds' set for your Semester Report cycle includes the date of this change to have the Shared teacher data included in the reports.
Because Primary Schools predominantly work with an AM/PM roll structure (i.e Roll marking only occurs for a student's Generalist classes), there can be subjects (specialist classes) that are not timetabled that require content for Semester Reports (please refer to the 'Creating additional Subjects in Schedule Builder' article for details on this process).
For shared arrangements, teachers who are not set as the Lead teacher for these additional subjects can be assigned at least one session for the class to be able to report on these subjects and/or be listed on the Semester Report as one of the teachers.
To assign a session, navigate to the particular class page and click to the 'Sessions' tab.
Click the 'Add Session' button.
Set the date (choose a date that falls within the 'Enrolment Bounds' of your reporting cycle), add in a start and finish time. Select the additional teacher in this class' shared teaching arrangement as the Staff Member for the session. Click 'Save & Close'.
You will see the session added. You then need to click the grey cross icon to cancel the session (the session is not required to run, it is only there to link the teacher with the class for reporting purposes).
You will be prompted to confirm that you want to cancel the session, proceed to do so and then it will update to show as cancelled.
Repeat the process of creating and then cancelling a session for the Lead Teacher of the class.
Both teachers will now be able to be included on the Semester Report and be able to access the reporting cycle to enter results for that class if required.
For Secondary Schools with a third part timetabling package, all teachers that teach timetabled classes should already be scheduled into their relevant sessions.
For cases where there are non-timetabled classes or unscheduled custom classes that teachers need to be included for in Semester Reports, you can manually create sessions so that Compass can collate this information into the reporting cycle.