When a new student enrols at the school the following must occur:
1. Student is added to your SIS (e.g. CASES21, Denbigh, etc...)
2. This information is imported from your SIS in to Compass, either manually or via CompassLink.
Currently, automatic CompassLink imports only occur overnight. If you require the student to be added immediately, please call Compass Support to have this actioned. If you are not sure how your data is imported check the Import Jobs page - there is a link to it from Administration Tools, which can be found under the cog icon on Compass. On the Import Jobs page check to see if your Staff, Students, and Parents imports are done from 'General Import' or 'CompassLink'.
3. Compass automatically runs an Enrolment import, placing students into their classes.
Compass will use the initial import date of a student as the start date of each of their enrolments. In the case of a future student who has already been imported, Compass will use the first date they become active for the enrolment start dates. In some instances a student or students(s) may be imported after their actual start date at the school. Compass allows the start date to be amended so that correct attendance data can be collected for all new students or newly activated future students.
Backdating Student Class Enrolments
A student's Class Enrolments can be edited from the student profile or class page. This can be helpful when correcting attendance data as a result of incorrect enrolments, or where students have presented the school with the enrolment paperwork on the day that they wish to start attending.
Editing the Enrolment Start Date From the Student Page
Editing enrolments is easily done from the student profile, which displays all enrolments in classes for an individual student. First, go to the student's profile page in your Compass portal, click on the 'Attendance' tab, then the 'Enrolments' tab and select the enrolment(s) which need to be updated:
You will then need to click on the 'Selected Enrolments' button and choose the 'Set Start Date' option, which will display a calendar from which you can choose the correct start date:
Editing the Enrolment Start Date From the Class Page
Occasionally, more than one student in a class will need to have their enrolment start date amended. This is easily managed from the class page. Find the class in Compass and navigate to the 'Attendance' tab, then click on the 'Enrolments' tab as per the screenshot below:
Select the students for whom you need to amend the 'Enrolment Start' date and then click on the 'Select Students' button. Again, the option that you want is the 'Set Start Date' which will open a calendar from which you can select the correct date for the students:
Setting the end date for students via either of the methods outlined above using the 'Set Finish Date' option will only end a student's enrolment until the next import from your SIS is completed and may override the finish date, unless you also change the student's status to 'Left' or remove them from your SIS (as appropriate).
Possible Effects of Backdating Enrolments
If there are any additional sessions that the student(s) will become included in as a result of backdating their enrolments, a warning message will appear that itemises the potential impacts:
If you choose to proceed with these changes, the student(s) will be added to these new sessions, and will receive a 'Not Present' marking for each of these new sessions. Using the various Unexplained lists around the portal, any resulting Unexplained Not Present entries can then be dealt with through re-marking the roll or by providing an explanation (Attendance Note, School Activity, etc).
Removing Student Enrolments