Learning Tasks FAQs

Learning Tasks FAQs

Can I use Learning Tasks to record evidence of student work and can the evidence be included in Semester Reports?

Learning Tasks can absolutely be used to record evidence of student work. Generally recording evidence of student work is undertaken at the primary school level and as a result the students themselves do not log in to Compass in most cases, so the teacher should upload the evidence of the work using the Teacher Response option on the Learning Task. Teacher Responses (and any attachments or submission items on a Learning Task) cannot be included on a Semester Report though, parents will need to log in to Compass to view the evidence against each task. 

Can a Learning Task be relocated to another class/subject?

Staff with the LearningTasksAdmin permission are able to relocate a Learning Task if required.Relocating a task will remove it from the original location and bring the task content (including any entered results for students who were enrolled in both the original class/subject AND the new class/subject). Please note, class learning tasks can only be relocated to another class; likewise subject-wide learning tasks can only be relocated to another subject.To relocate a learning task, go to the current class/subject page the task is on and click to the 'Learning Tasks' tab.  Locate the task, click the tool icon and select 'Relocate Learning Task'.

Choose the new location (if the task is a class task, only classes will be accessible; likewise if the task was a subject-wide task, only subjects will be available for selection).  Click 'Relocate Task' and the learning task will be moved to it's new location.


How will I know if the parent or student comments in the Conversation field?

Staff members will receive an email notification when a student or parent adds to the Conversation in the Learning Task (see below for an example). When a staff member adds to Conversation, the student will receive an email notification. 

What alerts do students and parents get for Learning Tasks?

Students do not receive any alerts for Learning Tasks (except if they are required to provide Self Assessment) but can keep track of their tasks from the Learning Tasks tab of their profile. Parents will see alerts on their homepage if any of their students have a Learning Task due within the next week or have tasks that are overdue. Overdue Learning Tasks are ones where the due date has passed and the student has not been marked off as Submission Received or uploaded a work if Online Submission is enabled.

Can I reuse the task I created for this class on one of my other classes, or next semester?

If you create a Learning Task on the class page it is not possible to copy it directly to another class. For this reason you should create any tasks that you may want to reuse, or use for multiple classes, in the School Resources section of Compass. Creating tasks in School Resources gives you the ability to push it down to the specific subject or class that need the task, and to do this again in the future for any other subject or class - even across semesters and years. If you wish to use a Learning Task in another class you can push up it to School Resources and then subsequently push it down to your other Classes.

If I create a task in my subject or class resources can I push it out to School Resources to be reused by other subjects/classes?

Yes - Items that are created on the subject/class page (learning tasks and subject/class resources) can be pushed to the School Resources section of Compass by clicking on the Resources tab of a subject/class page, locating the Learning Task and right clicking it.  Choose the option 'Push to School Resources.'

Can I archive tasks?

You cannot 'archive' tasks however, if you want to reduce the number of learning tasks initially displaying when the tab is viewed by staff/students/parents, you can 'hide' tasks.  This means that any hidden tasks will not show in the initial display when the page loads, the viewer can still access them by clicking the 'Show Hiddent Tasks' option.


To hide a task, locate the learning task on your class/subject page, click the associated 'tool' icon and select 'hide'.


For more details on this feature, please refer to the 'Managing Learning Tasks' section of the 'Learning Tasks' article from our Knowledge Base.

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