Importing ACER / PAT Adaptive Tests
ACER / PAT adaptive result data is imported from the ACER data service portal. Users will require credentials to log in to their school portal.
Exporting Adaptive Test Data
- Login to your ACER portal. If you are unsure of how to do this, please contact ACER for your URL, username and password. The URL should be similar to{yourschoolID}
- Follow the ACER guidelines for preparing results for export
- Download report as a Table (Excel file). Ensure that all the options in the checkboxes are ticked for inclusion in the export.
- Export as Excel file ensuring all 6 field options are selected (to import into Compass, the file type needs to be .XLSX)
Import Data to Compass
1. Login to Compass and hover over the Teaching and Learning Menu (pencil icon) and click 'Analytics'
2. Select 'Add Analytics Cycle'
3. A pop-up titled 'Add Analytics Cycle' will appear. From the 'Cycle' drop-down box, select ACER PAT Adaptive.
4. Once this has been selected, you will then have the ability to set the year of the test in Cycle Year and also select either Mathematics or Reading for Test Type.
5. Click 'Choose File' and then navigate to the location where the created .XLSX file was saved on your device
6. Once the file has been selected, click 'Create.'
This will open a pop-up where you will be able to view details of the cycle that has just been created.
When you first open the Analytics module, you will see a list of all cycles that have been created in Compass for all test types. Clicking on the pencil icon beside any of these ACER PAT cycles will open for you the pop-up containing cycle details.
Staff Access
On the Analytics page, you will see a status column which lets you know the status of all analytics cycles in Compass. When your ACER PAT cycle is first created, it will appear in this list as 'Hidden.' In order to make results visible for staff in Compass, you will need to change this status to ReadOnly.
To do this, you will first tick the box to the left-hand side of the cycle in question. Then click on 'Selected Cycles' > 'Set Cycle Status To' > 'Readonly.'
Once this has been done and the cycle is visible to staff, you will then see ACER PAT results for the year in question appearing on the profile of any students enrolled in the cycle.
There are three settings for Staff Access:
1. Open - the cycle is open, students can be enrolled into it and results (for tests where import is not available) can be manually entered for students. This status is not relevant for NAPLAN test cycles.
2. Read Only - the results contained within the cycle can be viewed in Compass but not edited.
3. Hidden - the cycle has been imported to Compass but results are not visible in the portal.
Parent/Student Visibility
If you want results to be visible to Parents and/or Students, select the applicable cycle/cycles, then click 'Selected Cycles' and go to 'Set Parent/Student Access' and choose your required setting.