Guardian is a module that allows schools to electronically control doors and gates via CompassID cards or the CompassApp.
There is also the option to use the Roll Tap feature to assist with Attendance (please see the last section below in this article for details).
To access the settings for Guardian, the user will require the GuardianAdmin permission; this allows the user to access the Guardian page and all of it's features.
To access Guardian doors via their mobile, staff will require the 'GuardianUser' permission.
For details on assigning permissions in Compass, please refer to the 'Permissions' article from the Knowledge Base.
There are two operating modes for Guardian to use:
Normal - Door operation is defined by the rules set up in Guardian.
All Doors Open - Will allow all users to access all doors/gates.
Door behaviour can be directly controlled in the Doors section of the module.
This is also where an individual door can be given a new default behaviour where it will be able to be opened by anyone with a CompassID card or the App.
Once these settings are complete, click the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen
The rules section of the Guardian module is where the school can determine who has access to certain doors and gates and when they are allowed that access.
When a new rule is added, the 'Basic Settings' tab will display basic information including the start and end date of the rule, and what days and times the rule will apply.
To create a rule, click the 'Add Rule' button.
Next, enter a name for the rule and select the date range for this rule. This can be changed at any time.
Once you have a name and date, select which days of the week and what times on those days by clicking and dragging on the 'Time Selection' screen. An entire day can be selected by clicking the Day itself at the top.
The doors and users that will be affected/allowed access are controlled on the User and Door Inclusions tab.
To activate a door, change the grey 'X' to a green tick by clicking on it.
Once these settings are complete, click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the screen.
In emergency situations, or as needed, to ensure all doors can be secured promptly, you may want to disable all existing overrides (overrides are settings the school has in place to allow doors to be open without the need for a card to be swiped during defined periods of the day).
To do so, go to the Community menu and click on 'Guardian'.
Click the button for the 'Door Overrides' field to immediately disable any overrides currently in place.
When you want to reinstate the Overrides, click the button to update it to 'Enabled'.
A record of all users who have used Guardian can be found in either the App or on the school's portal.
This will show who used Guardian, what door/gate they accessed, and what time it was accessed.
A full report of this information can be exported from the Guardian dashboard by clicking the 'Download All Logs' button.
The Roll Tap aspect of the Guardian module allows you to set the Roll Type mode for classes to be 'Roll-Tap'. When in this mode, students can tap their ID card on the Guardian device on the door of the applicable classroom and it will update the class roll to predict that the student is 'Present'.
If they arrive after the session has commenced and tap their ID card, the roll will update to show them as 'Late'.
When setting sessions to the Roll Tap marking mode, you will be required to set the 'Roll Tap Threshold' which determines how many minutes prior to the commencement of the session, roll taps will be accepted i.e. if the threshold was set for 15 minutes, if students arrive within the 15 minutes prior to the class session and tap their ID card on the Guardian device, the upcoming class session roll will update to show the student as Present.
Roll Tap Icon
Sessions set with the Roll Marking Mode as 'Roll Tap' will display the Roll Tap icon.
Setting a class session as Roll Tap
When adding sessions for a class, select 'Roll Tap' as the Roll Marking Mode.
Then set the number of minutes you want to apply as the Roll-tap Threshold.
Add in all the other aspects for the session (date, start/finish time, Location etc) and then click 'Save & Close'.
Setting the Late Threshold
Setting the 'Late Threshold' allows you to set the number of minutes into a session that a student can tap in and be considered 'Present' rather than 'Late'.
To view/edit this setting for your school, under the Organisation menu (grid icon), click 'Attendance'. This will take you to the 'Attendance' page where you will then need to click 'Settings'.
Enter the number of minutes you want to allow and then click 'Update' to save your changes.
This threshold will then apply to all sessions with the Roll Marking Mode of Roll-Tap enabled.