Setting up Faculties and assigning Faculty Managers assists you in streamlining Event and Professional Development approval notification chains.
When creating an Event or a PD activity there is the option to select an associated Faculty.
Including Faculty Managers as approvers for Events or PD allows you to update the Faculty Manager rather than have to update each template notification chain when staff positions change.
You can have up to five managers per faculty and you can set whether the staff member as a Faculty Manager should be included in any applicable Event approval chains, any applicable PD chains, both or neither depending on what is required at your school.
Faculty Managers can also assist with subject configuration within Reporting cycles. For information on this, please refer to the 'Semester Reports and Faculty Managers' article from our Knowledge Base.
To add Faculties and assign Faculty Managers, staff require the Configure permission. This permission gives staff access to the Administration Tools menu and we generally recommend this permission is restricted to a small number of staff per school.
To allocate subjects to a faculty, staff will require the SubjectsAdmin permission.
For information on Permissions in Compass please refer to the 'Permissions' article from our Knowledge Base.
To add a Faculty for your school, go to 'Administration Tools' under the cog menu icon. Click 'Faculty Manager' to access the Faculty Management page.
Here you will see any Faculties already created at your school. Click 'Add Faculty'. In the pop-up add the details of this new Faculty.
Faculty Code | Key in a code for the Faculty |
Name | Type the name of the Faculty |
Include in Events | Tick this option if you want the Faculty to show in the list of Faculties that can be chosen from if setting a Faculty for an Event. |
Include in PD | Tick this option if you want the Faculty to show in the list of Faculties that can be chosen from if setting a Faculty for a PD activity. |
Include in Chronicle | Tick this if you want the option to have Faculty managers of this kind included in Chronicle template notification chains. |
Add Individual | If you want to add a Faculty Manager, or managers, type the name of the staff member to select them. They will be added to the list. Continue adding staff until you have all required for this faculty (up to a possible total of 5). |
Approve Events | Tick this option for each Faculty Manager that you want to approve Events for any Events that fall within this Faculty. |
Approve PD | Tick this option for each Faculty Manager that you want to approve PD for any PD Activities that fall within this Faculty. |
To edit a Faculty or a manager within a Faculty, on the Faculty Management page (under the Administration Tools menu), click the edit pencil icon for the Faculty you need to edit.
Make the required edits and then click 'Save' to update your changes.
To remove a staff member as a Faculty Manager, click the associated red 'X'.
To add another staff member as a Faculty Manager type their name in the 'Add Individual' field.
To remove a faculty that is no longer in use you can Archive it. To do so, go to the Faculty Manager page under the Administration Tools menu (cog icon).
Click the associated grey 'X' to Archive.
To view Archived or Active Faculties, toggle the view.
To restore an Archived Faculty, toggle the view to 'Archived Faculties' and click the associated green icon.
Subjects in Compass must be assigned a Faculty. Depending on your timetabling package these are sometimes imported directly into Compass.
If they have not imported across you can enter them through the 'Subjects and Classes' page.
To do this hover over the Teaching & Learning menu (pencil icon) and click Subjects and Classes from the dropdown. This page has all of the subjects that currently exist on Compass for the school. The Faculty that has been allocated to each subject will be visible under the Faculty column, highlighted in the image below.
To edit the faculty or allocate one when one has not been set, click the edit pencil icon for the subject.
In the pop-up, select the applicable Faculty for the subject from the drop-down list of options. Click 'Save' to update.