Events in App

Events in App


Parents are able to view event details in App and process consent/payment for events.

Parents are also able to respond to event volunteer requests via the App.  Please see the 'Event Volunteers' section further below in this article for details on that process.

Accessing Events in App

If there is an event or events that require action from a parent, they will see a notification when logging into the App.


They can click the notification to process the events or alternatively, they can click the 'Tools' icon (three stripes in top left corner) to access the Tools menu and choose 'Events'.  This will take them to the 'Events' screen.


They can use the filters at the top to view Standard or Opt In Events, and also to view events pertaining to one of their children at the school rather than all.


Processing Events in App

Standard Events
To action a standard event, click the event from the list.


Parents can view the details and for events require consent and/or payment they will need to click 'Proceed to Consent and Payment'.


They will then need to review the medical details on file.  They can provide further information to the school if required in the 'Additional Medical Details' field.

For conditions that have an Action Plan on file, if the event was set to require parent acknowledgement that the Action Plan on file is current, the parent will see the option to download the file and an Acknowledgement button they will need to complete to proceed.

If the plan on file is not current, the parent will need to contact the school.


Parents are then able to review the Contact details on file and advise of any changes where applicable.


Please Note: If parents provide any details in either the 'Additional Medical Details' field or the 'Contact details on the day' field, an email will be triggered to the designated notification email address for the school to advise.  The details will also be added to the Event Handbook.
If the event includes an 'Additional Questions' the parent will be able to provide their responses. 

If the event requires parent consent, parents can do so by typing their name in the applicable field.


If the event requires payment, parents will be able to select the applicable payment method to process.


Opt In Events
To process an Opt-in Event, the parent will need to click the event listed and then choose to 'Accept' the invitation.  They will then proceed to process the event per the standard event process.

Opt-in events can have maximum attendee limits, the option to attend is based on first in, first served.
Please Note: A student's place is only secured in an Opt-in event when the parent has completed the consent/payment process (for opt-in events that do not require consent or payment, accepting the invitation secures the place).  When a parent accepts the invitation, they have until midnight that night to complete the process.  If it is not completed by midnight, the student will revert to a status of 'Invited' for the event.

Event Volunteers

Parents can be invited to volunteer at events.  For details on the Event Volunteer process, please refer to the 'Event Parent Volunteers' article from our Knowledge Base.

When a parent has been invited to volunteer, they will have an event notification in their App.

When they click that notification they will see a volunteer option.


Clicking the 'Volunteering' option will take them to the event volunteering screen where they will see any events they have been invited to volunteer at listed.  


They can click into an event to see the details and respond to the invitation.  The parent can click 'Decline' or, if they are able to volunteer, they need to type their name in the Confirmation sections and click 'Process'.


Once the parent has proceeded to volunteer, the status will show for them as 'Awaiting School Confirmation'. 


Once staff have confirmed the parent as a volunteer, the status for the parent will show as 'Attending'.

Viewing Event History in App

To view past event details via the App, the parent will need to go to the 'Tools' menu and click 'Events'.
From here they can click 'Past' at the bottom of the screen to view historical event data for their child/children.


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