Staff with the PstAdmin permission are able to create/edit/delete Conference cycles.
For information on permissions in Compass, please refer to the 'Permissions' article from our Knowledge Base.
To create a new Conference Cycle click the '+Add Cycle' button at the top of the page.
On the Basic tab, add the information pertaining to your new cycle for each field.
Cycle Details Section
Title | Enter a title for this cycle that will help parents or students know what this is for, and that you can differentiate from other cycles you run in the future. |
Target | This defines who can book with the staff members. You must select either Parents or Students from this dropdown menu. |
Staff Access | Here you can select if staff can view or edit their timeslots for this cycle. There are three statuses here Closed, Open, and Read Only. 'Closed' means staff cannot access the cycle, 'Open' means staff can access and set their unavailable timeslots (if you've given them any), and 'Read Only' means they can check their timeslots and bookings, but make no changes. During the setup process it is recommended you keep this setting on 'Closed' until the setup is complete. |
Parent/Student Access | This determines whether or not parents/students (depending on the Target you selected) can see the cycle and make bookings. 'Closed' should be used during the setup process, 'Open' used when you're ready for attendees to make bookings, and 'Read Only' selected when the booking time is over but you still want attendees to be able to check their bookings. During the setup process it is recommended you keep this setting on 'Closed' until the setup is complete. |
Enrolment Bounds | This should be a snapshot in time of when the students were enrolled in the classes with the teachers that they or their parents should meet with during this interview cycle. If your students move classes at the start of the semester (e.g. while deciding on electives), it's recommended to select dates after their schedules have been finalised. These bounds should be only a few days long, they do not need to encapsulate the entire term or semester. |
Lead Teacher | To set the designated Lead Teacher for classes in the cycle, choose 'Current Lead Teacher' to allocate the Lead Teacher currently (as of today) set for classes, or choose 'Lead Teacher during Enrolment Bounds' to have the cycle reflect for each class the Lead Teacher at the time of the set Enrolment Bounds. This determines which teacher is initially set as the Lead Teacher for each class in the cycle however you can adjust the classes individually later in the process if needed. |
Allow Staff to book from own booking sheet | Ticking this will allow staff (when the cycle is set to 'Open' for staff) to manage their own bookings. This will mean they can make/remove bookings for parents/students who are eligible to book with them. Leaving this unticked will mean only staff with either PstPower or PstAdmin permission level can manage their own bookings. |
Show conference booking on Staff schedules | Ticking this will show any conference bookings for this cycle on the staff member's schedule and calendar. |
Automatically update parent access to: | If you want to schedule when Parent Bookings close, use this field. Set the Status you want it to update to and the date you want the update to occi |
Booking Options
If you are not adding a Description click 'Save'. If you are adding a Description, click to the 'Description' tab.
In this large text box enter a description of the interviews and/or instructions for your parents or students.
Click 'Save'. This will save the settings you made for the cycle on the 'Basic' tab and the content you added to the 'Description' tab.
Click to the 'Enrolments' tab.
For the intended Targets (parents or students) of the cycle to be able to make bookings, the applicable students need to be enrolled in the cycle.
Click 'Add Enrolments'.
Use the available options in the pop-up to add the students for this cycle.
You can add individually by typing the student's name in that field and clicking the associated 'Add' button, or by Group/Class based on your selections from the available drop-down lists. Clicking 'Advanced' will give you additional options.
Continue to use the Add options until all your students for this cycle are added.
The 'Enrolments' tab of your cycle will update to show the added students.
If you need to remove any added students, select the applicable students and then click 'Selected' and then 'Remove Enrolments'.
Click to the 'Staff' tab and then click 'Add Staff'.
In the pop up, you can add staff individually by typing their name in the 'Add Individual' field and clicking the associated 'Add' button. To add all staff, click the 'Add' button aligned for 'Add All Staff'.
You can also click 'Advanced' for some additional options when adding staff.
When you have added the required staff, click the red cross in the top right corner of the pop-up to close it.
You will then see the staff you added showing on the Staff tab.
If you need to remove any staff from the cycle at this point, select them and click 'Selected' and then 'Remove Staff'.
If you need to adjust the allocated Unavailable Slots for all or some staff, select the relevant staff, click 'Selected' and choose 'Set Unavailable Slots'.
Set the number you want to allocate for these staff and click 'Save'.
You will see this information update for the selected staff in the 'Unavailable Slots' column.
If you want to add a Title, Location, Comment or the Unavailable Slots for a specific staff member, click the edit pencil icon for that staff member and add this information. The Title allows you to indicate the role of the staff member and the Comment field can be used to convey information to the attendees as it is displayed to the parents/students when making a booking.
To bulk set the Locations (where the conferences will be held for the staff members), select the applicable staff that the location will apply to and then click 'Selected' and choose 'Update Locations'.
Type in the Location and click 'Save'.
This will update the Location for these staff members and when parents/students make bookings, they will see the location for the booking.
Click to the 'Timeslots' tab.
Click 'Add Timeslots'.
Select the date for the Conferences (or the first date if across multiple days) and put in the times you want to create timeslots between. You will see the duration of each timeslot noted (based on the information you entered when first creating the cycle) and there will also be a calculation of how many slots will be created.
Click 'Add Timeslots' on the pop-up.
You will see the timeslots populate on the tab.
Continue to add the required timeslots in batches until you have all the slots for each day of the cycle added. Click 'Close' to remove the pop-up.
If you do not need to mark any timeslots as Unavailable for All Staff, proceed to Step 9.
If you need to mark some timeslots as unavailable for all staff - i.e. for meal breaks - you can do so at this point by selecting the applicable timeslot, or timeslots, and clicking 'Selected' and then 'Bulk Edit Timeslots'.
You can add a reason in the 'Comment' field and then untick the 'Bookable' box. Click 'Save' to update the selected timeslots.
Timeslots that you bulk update for all staff as 'Unavailable' do not count towards the number of Unavailable timeslots you have allocated to staff.
If you have not allocated a number of timeslots to staff for them to mark themselves as Unavailable for, proceed to Step 10.
If you have allocated staff a number of timeslots that they can set as Unavailable, at this point you need to open the Conference cycle to staff so that they can select their Unavailable times.
To open the cycle to staff, click to the Dashboard tab and then click 'Cycle Settings'. Set the 'Staff Access' field to 'Open', and click 'Save'.
Advise staff - via email or a newsfeed post - that the cycle is now open to staff for them to set their unavailable timeslots. We recommend giving staff a time frame to complete this action as you will need to set the staff access to 'Read-Only' before opening the cycle to parents/students to ensure staff are not making changes to their available timeslots while bookings are being attempted.
When staff have had the given time to add their Unavailable timeslots, go into the cycle and into Cycle Settings (on the Dashboard tab), and update the 'Staff Access' field to 'Read-Only'. This will allow staff to view any bookings made with them but not edit their Unavailable timeslots.
If you only require bookings to be made in relation to staff and the classes they teach, please proceed to Step 11.
If you want to create some custom groupings between staff and a set of students outside the standard class grouping (i.e. to allow for bookings with Career Advisors, Year Level Coordinators, Student Leaders etc) please access the 'Creating Custom Conference Groups' article from our Knowledge Base to complete this step before proceeding to Step 11.
You are now ready to open your cycle for Bookings!
To do so, go to the Dashboard tab of the cycle and click 'Cycle Settings'. Your 'Staff Access' should be set as 'Read-Only'.
Set the 'Parent Access' (or 'Student Access' if the cycle is targeted at students) to 'Open'. Click 'Save'.
This will open the cycle for Bookings and the students/parents who have been targeted for this cycle will have a notification on their Dashboard advising them of the cycle available for their bookings.
We recommend sending a communication to those who can make a booking - either via email or a newsfeed post - to advise them of the cycle and the timeframe they have in which to make bookings.
When the booking period has concluded, click into the cycle and onto the Dashboard tab. Click 'Cycle Settings' and set the Parent/Student Access to 'Read-Only'. This will allow the parent/student to see their bookings but not make any further bookings.