Course Confirmation - Importing Subject Selections

Course Confirmation - Importing Subject Selections


Course Confirmations allows you to charge parents specific costs relating to the subjects their student has selected, these are referred to as Per-Subject Charges.

To be able to include Per-Subject Charges in a Course Confirmation template, you will need to have first uploaded a file containing the student subject selections.

Each Target Academic Year in Course Confirmations can have one student subject selection file stored against it for use in any of the applicable templates created within that Target Academic Year.

To ensure parents are not paying for these annual subject costs more than once in a year, Per-Subject Charges should only be enabled once per student in one applicable Course Confirmation template within each Target Academic year.

Example: If within an Academic year you run a Course Confirmation template for Year 7 students that encompasses essential item charges and the Per-Subject Charges, and you also run a Course Confirmation template for Year 8 students that encompasses essential item charges and the Per-Subject Charges, if you had to then run an additional Course Confirmation template for a Year 7-8 Football Academy, because the Academy template would include students who have already been included in the Year 7 and the Year 8 essential items templates, you would not include Per-Subject charges in the Academy template or these students would be required to pay the Per-Subject Charges twice, once for each template they had been included in.
To use Per-Subject Charges in Course Confirmations you will need to do the following:
  1. Import Subjects for the future Academic Year
  2. Allocate costs to Subjects
  3. Import a file of student subject selections
  4. Approve selections (where applicable)
  5. Enable Per-Subject Charges in the applicable template/templates
Please Note: Each Target Academic Year in Course Confirmations will only retain one single imported file containing student subject selections.  As such, once the subject selections have been imported, and enabled for at least one template and issued to parents for payment, no further subject selection files should be imported for that same Target Academic Year.  Doing so will alter any subject related amount information for students in existing templates referencing the file.

Import Subjects for the Future Academic Year

To allocate costs to subjects,  you will first need to have created the subjects in Compass.   When you require the subjects costs in relation to Course Confirmations for the future upcoming year, the subjects may not already exist in Compass and so they will need to be imported. 

If the subjects already exist in Compass for the year your Course Confirmation student subject selections relate to, go to the next section below 'Allocating Costs to Subjects'.

Importing Subjects for future Calendar Years

Typically within Compass you can only import timetable data for one calendar year at a time and it is not possible to import timetable data for a future year using the Compass data sync tool. To facilitiate Per-Subject Charges you can follow the below steps if future Calendar Year subjects are not yet available. 

Subject data can be imported into Compass for a future year using the following steps. 

If you are importing subject data, you can also import the subject costs via this step by having the amounts in the .csv file under the 'Base Levy' column.
  1. Create a CSV file which contains the subject data to be imported into Compass. The format of this file needs to be: [SubjectCode],[LongName],[ShortName],[YearLevelCode] - if importing the subject costs at this point also, include a column [BaseLevy] in the file and have the subject costs listed in that column.
  2. Navigate to the 'Subjects and Classes' dashboard page, which can be found under the Teaching and Learning menu (pencil icon) and click on 'Actions' and then 'Import Subjects.


  1. Ensure that you have selected the correct Academic Year from the drop down menu; click 'Choose File' to select your .csv and then click 'Import Subjects'.


Tip: Subject names cannot contain commas; Subject names cannot be longer than 50 characters; Cross Year subjects should have the 'Year Level' entered as '99'.

You can also add a Subject individually using the '+ Add New Subject' button at the top of the Subjects and Classes dashboard. Here you can manually add the Subject code, long and short name of the subject, associated year level, faculty and Layer.

Allocating Costs to Subjects

When a subject is created through a bulk import it is created with the default Base Levy (subject cost) of 'zero' unless otherwise specified in the import file.

To allocate costs to subjects that have already been imported, on the 'Subjects and Classes' page (under the Teaching and Learning menu', select the applicable 'Academic Year' from the drop-down that you need to add subject costs for in relation to the student subject selections you are needing to import for your Course Confirmations.


This will cause the subjects for that year to display.


If a subject already has an associated cost this will show in the 'Fee' column.


To edit/add the associated cost (Fee) for a Subject, click on the pencil icon located next to the Subject.


In the pop-up, type in the cost for the Subject.


If you have subjects that require students to be 'Approved' for before they will be charged the associated cost, you can tick the 'Apprv Req?' box (please see the section 'Approving Subject Selections' further below in this article for further details).

Click 'Save' to close the pop-up and the new amount should then show in the 'Fee' column for that Subject.


Continue to edit each Subject until all the associated costs (Fee amounts) are entered.
If the subject does not have an associated charge for the student, leave the 'Fee' at zero.

Please Note: Once Course Confirmations have been issed to parents for a particular Academic Year with Per-Subject Charges, it is important that no further edits are made to the set cost/fee on the Subjects and Classes page to any Subjects as this will impact the amount shown as charged to students for any existing Course Confirmation templates that relate to that same Academic Year.

Importing Subject Selections

Student subject selections are imported against a Target Academic Year, not against an individual Course Confirmation template. This means that you import one set of student subject selections per Academic Year which can span multiple templates.


Subject selections can be imported into Course Confirmation via the 'Import Subject Selections' link under the relevant Target Academic Year.


Subject Selections are imported through a plain text or CSV file that is formatted [StudentCode], [SubjectCode].  Students should have a line in the file for every subject selection they have made.


Each time subject selections are imported into a Target Academic Year,  the system will DELETE any subject selections that are not included in the current file for that year.
While you are working initially on finalising student selections, you may need to re-import the file, as such, please ensure that any subsequent imports of subject selections includes all of the students selections - a file including all of the selections currently uploaded into Compass can be downloaded from the Import Subject Selections page.


Please note when importing student subject selections:

  1. Subjects must already exist in Compass for the Target Academic Year (see the section 'Import Subjects for Future Academic Years' further above in this article for details)
  2. Student codes must match against existing Compass student codes
  3. Subject codes must match against existing Compass subject codes

Approve Subject Selections

If none of your Subjects are set to require approval for students who have selected them, proceed to the next section below 'Enable Per-Subject Charges in the applicable Template'.

If you have subjects that were set to require approval for any student selections, you will need to approve the selections to ensure associated subject costs are allocated to those students i.e. You may have a subject such as Outdoor Education that was set to require approval because students wanting to do this elective need to have a certain level of swimming compentency.  When the student subject selections are then imported into Course Confirmation, staff administering the cycle will need to first approve any students who selected Outdoor Education before the associated cost would be included in the Per-Subject Charges issued for that student.

For any subjects where 'Approval Required' is NOT ticked, the associated charges for those subjects will automatically show for the student's total subject fees when the parent goes to pay for that Course Confirmation cycle.

Please Note:The approval only relates to whether a student is to be charged for the associated subject fee in Course Confirmations, it has no impact on if the student is enrolled in the subject.

To approve subject selections, on the Course Confirmation page, click 'Approve Subject Selections' for the applicable Target Academic Year you are working on.


In the screen you will see a list of any student selections relating to any subjects that require approval.


You can filter the view by Subject by choosing the applicable subject from the 'Subjects' drop-down.
You can use the filters at the top of each column if required.

To 'Approve' a student selection, tick the box for the student, then click 'Save Changes'.


To remove an 'Approval' untick the box for a student and click 'Save Changes'.

Likewise to approve multiple students at once, you can use the 'Check All Above' option (to remove approvals in bulk, you can use the 'Uncheck All Above') which will apply ticks to all students listed.

Please Note: We do not recommend changing any approvals once templates with Per-Subject Charges enabled have been published to parents for processing any changes to approvals will impact the subject costs charged to parents.

Enable Per-Subject Charges for a Template

Please refer to the section called 'Payment Items - Per Subject Charges' in the 'Creating a Course Confirmation with Per Subject Charges' article from our Knowledge Base for details on how to enable for a template.

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