Course Confirmation for Timetabler

Course Confirmation for Timetabler

Setting up export from the Timetabler


This process allows the school to configure an export from the Timetabler that is compatible with Compass' Course Confirmation module. Following these steps will allow you to save the export so that it can be run multiple times as required.

Setting up Export

Open the Timetabler (.tdfx file)

Navigate to 'File' - 'Export Data' - 'Customise'

Click 'New Setting' and then type 'Compass Course Confirmation', and click 'OK'

In the 'Student Timetables' column, locate and double click on the 'Student Code' and 'Subject Code'. They should both go yellow, and go to the top of the list.

Ensure that the student code is the TOP of the list, and the subject code is below it. If not the case, left click once on the top record and click the 'Field down' option so that the screen is showing as per the image below. Then press 'Save Setting'.

Running an export from the Timetabler

Open the Timetabler (.tdfx file)

Navigate to 'File' - 'Export Data - 'Customise'

Choose 'Compass Course Confirmation' from the drop down list, if not already selected. This is the export that was created using the steps above.

Then click the 'Export' button at the top of the screen.

Save the file to your computer.

Importing Subject Selections into Course Confirmations/Payments module

Log into Compass and navigate to the Course Confirmation dashboard (Organisation - Student Management - Course Confirmation / Payments). For the appropriate year select 'Import Subject Selections'. 

Select the 'Choose File' link at the bottom of the page, navigate to the "StudentTimetable" file which you exported from Timetabler (using the steps above) then click 'Upload'. The result of the import is displayed below when complete.

You can repeat this import process whenever changes are made to student subject selections. For more information regarding this process please refer to the Course Confirmation documentation available here.

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