Compass Identity Cards

Compass Identity Cards


Compass identity cards are Mifare 1k RFID-chipped cards specifically designed for Compass software.  

They can be used for several functions in schools with CompassIdentity enabled.

These functions include student identity cards, library cards, late/early sign-in cards, printing and photocopy cards, cashless canteen cards and more.


To manage Compass Identity Cards, staff will require the 'IdentityCardAdmin' permission.

For details on how to assign Permissions in Compass, please refer to the 'Permissions' article from our Knowledge Base.


Compass KiosksUse ID Cards to get the most out of your Compass KioskPro or KioskLite! Signing in and out of the school as a staff member or student is as simple as tapping your ID card on your school’s Kiosk. 
All student sign-ins and sign-outs will automatically link up with your Compass Attendance module, displaying on class rolls and attendance summaries when the student has arrived or departed.
Compass CanteenUsing our point-of-sale (POS) kiosks allows for staff and students to make orders on a simple touchscreen terminal, using their Compass ID Cards. Students can also top up their Compass Wallet to use at the Canteen through the KioskPro, or online.
Compass GuardianGuardian is our fully integrated door management system, which ensures your school community is kept safe. Guardian can be configured to allow certain students and staff members to access doors at given times during the day, including after hours, using their ID cards. It also records a log, so you’re able to see who accessed a door at any given time.
Library and PrintingBy integrating with popular management systems like PaperCut & Oliver, students can borrow library books or use printing credit by scanning the barcode on the back of their Compass ID card.
Order School PhotosIf your school uses MSP Photography, you can place your school photo order directly through the KioskPro. MSP Photography will also upload all your photos into the portal, ready to picked up on your ID Cards.
Public Transport
Concession Cards
Our ID cards are a valid form of proof of entitlement, allowing students to access concession fares.
Bringing together your Compass ID cards with public transport concession cards saves time and
money for students and parents, and it means students only require one card.
*Currently only available in VIC, SA & WA

Please Note: Cards that have been 'hole punched' or altered in other ways will not work with integrations. These cards will be considered damaged, and a new card will need to be ordered.

Bulk Compass Identity Card Orders

To order Compass Identity Cards for the first time, you will need to first work through the design process, click here to access the 'Ordering Compass Identity Cards for the First Time' article from the Knowledge Base.
For subsequent bulk orders please complete the following:
Please Note: A minimum of 20 cards are required to do a bulk order, for quantities less than that, please use the individual card ordering option.

1 - Manage Approvals
Last year's design will be automatically approved so you will only need to approve for printing.  To do so, go to the 'Organisation' menu (grid icon) and select 'Identity Cards'.

Click 'Manage approvals'.

Scroll to the bottom, tick the box when you are ready to agree to the terms and conditions and then click 'Approve for Printing'.

Please Note: If you do want to make changes to the existing card design, instead of clicking 'Approve for Printing', you will need to click the 'Request Card Designs' button.

2 - Place the Bulk Order
Once approved, the ‘Orders’ section will become available.
Click the ‘Bulk Orders’ button.

Firstly review the General Settings.


If you need to order cards for all active staff, tick the applicable option.  Leave unticked if not ordering for staff at this time.


If bulk ordering student id cards, tick the applicable option.  Leave unticked if not ordering for students at this time.


When ticked, additional options will expand for student card orders.  Review and adjust where applicable for your order.


You will see information in the section for Ineligible Users, it will list any applicable users and indicate the reason why they are ineligible for card ordering at this time.


Once you have reviewed your bulk order settings and are ready to proceed with the order, you will need to tick the terms and conditions option and then click 'Place Order'.


If you need information on existing or previous card orders, you can see a snapshot of order information in the 'Orders' section and also click 'Order Summary' for more details.


Card orders will be sent to the address as listed on the CompassIdentity Card. If your school is a multi-campus school the address listed as the 'default' campus address will be considered the postal address.

Ad-Hoc School Initiated Orders for Individual Cards

Please Note: Ordering cards through the 'Identity Cards' page will charge the orders to the school.

If a student has lost their card they should be advised that they or their parents can order and pay for a replacement card by logging into their Compass portal. Steps for this process are provided in the 'Parent/Student Card Order' section of this article.

Similarly if a staff member has lost their card and the school does not pay for replacements, staff can order their own cards by hovering over the cog icon and selecting  'My CompassIdentity' from their 'Tools' menu.

To order replacement or new CompassIdentity cards (for staff/students new during the school year), under the 'Organisation' menu (grid icon) select 'Identity Cards'.

in the 'Orders' section, click 'Individual Orders'.


Select the applicable user type.


Complete the required information.


You will then need to tick the box to acknowledge the terms and conditions.  Click 'Submit Card Order' to process.


If you need information on existing or previous card orders, you can see a snapshot of order information in the 'Orders' section and also click 'Order Summary' for more details.

Ad-Hoc Parent/Student Initiated Card Orders

If students are required to order a replacement CompassIdentity card, this can be done either by the student via their Compass portal, or by their parent in the parent portal. 

The user can access the card ordering page by going to the cog icon and selecting 'My CompassIdentity Card'.

On the page, select  'Click here to order a new CompassIdentity card'

Complete the payment details and click 'Order Now'.

The card order and payment will then be processed and the card will be delivered to the school for issue.

Compass Card Report

If you need to ascertain which students/staff currently have Compass ID cards and those who need one, you can run the 'Current Card Cycle Report'.
To do so, click 'Export' at the top of the Identity Cards page and then select 'Current Card Cycle report' from the menu.
The file will download to your device.

Bulk Activating ID Cards

To bulk activate a batch of ID cards, go to 'Identity Cards' under the 'Organisation' menu (grid icon) and select 'Bulk Activation'.


On this page you will see a list of any card batches that can be activated.
For any batch that you would like to activate, click the 'Activate' button for that line. 


Fill in the details to proceed with the activation.


Note: If you need to confirm which cards are in a batch, back on the Identity Card page, click 'Order Summary'.  You will see batch numbers next to each card order.

Please note: Guardian schools please contact Compass Support to request a re-sync when activating cards.

Self Activation of ID Cards

Users are able to activate their own ID cards by going to the cog menu icon and selecting 'CompassIdentity Card'.

On this page they will see the option to activate their new card.


This will then prompt them to enter the details of their new card.


Activating another person's ID card on their behalf

If another person's ID card needs to be activated on their behalf, go to 'Identity Cards' under the 'Organisation' menu (grid icon) and click 'Individual Activation'.


Select the user that the card is to be activated for.  Enter the card digits and tick the acknowlegement.  You will then be able to click the 'Activate Now' button to activate the card for the user.


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