Bulk Updating Class Attendance Codes

Bulk Updating Class Attendance Codes


When subjects and classes are initially created, a default Attendance code is set to determine what code students marked 'Present' in the class sessions will receive.

Generally once this is set it does not change however there are circumstances where there may be a change to the default attendance code mid year (i.e. the school is required to close and deliver classes via remote learning and a difference code for attendance in that circumstance is required).

The Bulk Attendance code updating tool allows you to bulk update selected subject/classes to have a difference default attendance code for future sessions.  This change will not impact the attendance code data recorded for past sessions.

Bulk Updating the Attendance Code for Future Sessions

To bulk updated the default attendance code for future sessions, go to the 'Teaching and Learning' menu (pencil icon) and select 'Subjects and Classes'.

Select the applicable subjects that contain the classes that you need to adjust the default attendance code for.

Click the 'Selected' button and choose 'Bulk Update Attendance Code'.


Alternatively, you are also able to select the classes directly on the right hand Classes Panel and Select 'Bulk Update Attendance Code'.

Select the Attendance Code that needs to be applied to the future sessions.  Click 'Save'.

You will be prompted to confirm your change.

Clicking 'Ok' will trigger the process and you will then see the updated default attendance code in the subject/class settings for each of the selected subjects/classes.


Please Note: The Bulk updating tool will only update future class sessions.  Any past sessions will retain the designated attendance code at that time.

For schools using third-party timetable software, all the import jobs from the external timetable will check the current default Attendance Status set for a subject to populate future class sessions being generated.

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