Compass can issue attendance alerts to notify parents when their child is not in attendance or late for class. You can choose to issue attendance alerts as an SMS, an email or both.
These alerts also integrate with Chronicle with an entry automatically recorded against a student's record that an attendance notification was issued. This allows you to then export report content on the frequence of students receiving these alerts if required.
Compass offers two modes for automatic attendance SMS and/or email alerts -
There are four types of notifications you can enable
There are four types of notifications you can enable and you can have multiple instances of each type (up to 15 per type) triggered. This allows you to customise the alerts to cater for more diverse cohort needs.
To enable/disable the Attendance Notifications, you will require the ConfigureBase permission.
To edit the content of the Chronicle template including the email notification wording, you will require the ChronicleConfigure permission.
For details on assigning Permissions in Compass, please refer to the 'Permissions' article from our Knowledge Base.
When an Attendance SMS/email is issued for a student, a Chronicle entry will be added to their profile.
When an Attendance SMS notification is issued it will display in the SMS Outbound Report.
To view this report, go to the Administration Tools page (under the cog menu icon) and click the 'SMS Outbound Report' option.
The Carrier service will provide a delivery status for the message which is reflected in the 'Carrier Status' column of the report.
Please see below for details on each status type (please note the possible status types are set and defined by the Carrier service).
Status | Type | Description |
Aborted | Final | Message was aborted before reaching the SMSC. |
Cancelled | Final | Message was cancelled by user before reaching SMSC. |
Deleted | Final | Message has been deleted. Message was deleted by a remote SMSC. This may happen if the destination is an invalid MSISDN or opted out subscriber. |
Delivered | Final | Message has been delivered. |
Dispatched | Intermediate | Message has been dispatched and accepted for delivery by the SMSC. |
Expired | Final | Message expired before delivery to the SMSC. This may happen if the enquiry time for the message was very short. |
Failed | Final | Message failed to be delivered. |
Queued | Intermediate | Message is queued within REST API system and will be dispatched according to the rate of the account. |
Rejected | Final | Message was rejected by the SMSC. |
Unknown | Final | Message was delivered to the SMSC but no Delivery Receipt has been received or a Delivery Receipt that couldn't be interpreted was received. |