This glossary will assist with Attendance terms often referenced throughout Compass.
Not Marked
The default state of an instance. No data has been entered for the roll.
The student has been marked present on the roll for an instance.
Present is the default status that each student has selected in each roll. A student is only considered present if they are actually in that specific class. If a student is in a custom class, for example, even if the teacher knows they will be in their custom class, they should be marked Not Present as Compass will automatically record that the student is in their custom class.
Not Present
The student has been marked not present on the roll for an instance.
Not Present: Parent Explained
A ‘Not Present: Parent Explained’ status is used when the student has an Attendance Note that overlaps the Not Present Roll Marking.
Not Present: School Explained
A ‘Not Present: School Explained’ status is used when the student has a scheduling overlap that is marked Present, such as the example used above where a custom class overlaps an English class. It can also be used where the student has undertaken an activity in the Events or Manual School Activities list discussed earlier.
Not Present: Unexplained
A ‘Not Present: Unexplained’ status is used for any Not Present roll marking that does not meet either of the above.
The student has been marked late on the roll for an instance.
When a teacher marks a roll, if a student has not arrived in class yet they will be marked as Not Present. However, if after the roll is marked a student arrives in the class the teacher can amend the roll to reflect this by using the Late status.
Attendance Note
These are entered when a student is not attending their scheduled class for a reason determined by their parent or guardian. Examples of these include Medical or Dental reasons or a Family Holiday.
School Activity
These are entered when a student is not attending their scheduled class because of a school-related activity. Examples of these include an Assembly, VET/TAFE Course or Meeting with a Coordinator or Counsellor.
The student has been marked Not Present or Late and has no Attendance Note.
Attendance Cake
Provide an overall attendance picture for a duration of time.
Suggested Roll Changes
When a student has an attendance status that contradicts the current recorded status and Suggested Roll Changes.
Unmarked Rolls
When a roll remains unmarked at the end of the session
Roll Marking Mode - Normal Roll
Require manual marking by a teacher.
Roll Marking Mode - No Roll
No roll required to be marked, does not impact students attendance.
Roll Marking Mode - Roll Only
Manually marked by a teacher but will have no effect on student attendance.
Roll Marking Mode - Intelligent
Will be marked automatically by the system:
Student attendance state during the day.
Not marked At School
The default state of the roll. All rolls has not been marked during a duration.
No roll has been scheduled during a duration.
Present At School
Compass has determined that the student is at school.
Not Present At School
All schedule Instances for a given time that have been marked, are marked Not Present for the student.
Late At School
Student has gone from Not Present At School to Present At School.
Attendance Signal
The changes in the State At School over a single day.
Parent Explained
The status of ‘Not Present: Parent Explained’ is applied to an Instance when the student’s parent has provided notification of a reason why the student did not attend the specific class.
School Explained
The status of ‘Not Present: School Explained’ is applied to an Instance when the student has a scheduling overlap, such as the example used above with a custom class overlapping an English class.
Counted absent reason ( or Counted)
When the student has been marked as absent from the class with a reason provided is considered an ‘absence’ for statistical purposes.
Non-Absence/Other Reason (Not Counted)
When the student has been marked as absent from the class and the reason provided is NOT considered as ‘ absence’ for statistical purposes.
Attendance Code
A list of attendance codes that are recognised by the department of education.
A record a user’s attendance status for a given point in time.
Half Day Line
The state at the school for the user over the AM or PM Period(s).
Day Line
The state at the school over a single day.
Period Line
The state at the school for the user over a single Period.
A duration of time that is configured. E.g: Period 1 ( start at 8 am until 10 am).
Teaching Time
When the students are expected to be in class.
Attendance Override
A Period that will update the student State At School.
e.g : Roll Call, Home Room.
School Hours
The time between the start of the first period of Teaching Time and the end of the last period of Teaching Time.
Period Structure
A collection of Periods for a given day.
Teaching Day
A day school will run classes, activities and/or events.
Primary Attendance Perspective
How the school will have the attendance data presented.
Attendance Override Enabled
False: "Attendance Override" column will not appear in Configure Schedules and all Teaching Time Periods will be Attendance Override.
A subject is a container for activities. Each subject will contain activities. The subject specifies the Layer.
e.g. English, Maths...
Grouping the same type of subject together and specifying the priority.
A class for a subject.
e.g: Math 1A, Math 1B...
The school has created the Event using Compass and scheduled for students to attend.
e.g : excursion, school camp…
Normal Classes (or standard class)
Standard Classes which are imported from the school's timetabling package such as Edval or Timetabler or constructed via Schedule Builder.
Custom Classes
Custom classes are created in Compass.
e.g : Instrumental music, Literacy and Numeracy Class...
School Activities
These are activities that do not have any roll (from the end user’s view) because they use the Intelligent marked roll.
Group activities
Used to manually or automatically manage the enrolment of students into activity sessions either as a consequence of receiving a specific Chronicle post.
Imported via timetable packages and it has the same priority with Events.
Instance (session)
A single occurrence of an activity.
Multiple Present Marking
When the Roll Marking or Attendance Note contradicts other roll marks at the same time.
e.g Student has been marked present in 2 rolls, marked Present with an Attendance Note.
(Not used for Whole and Partial Day Primary Attendance Perspective)
Contradictory Roll Mark
When the roll mark does not match the Attendance Signal for the entire duration of the instance.
(Only used for Whole and Partial Day Primary Attendance Perspective)
Incompatible Attendance Note
When the Attendance Signal is Present At School for the entire duration of an Attendance Note.
(Only used for Whole and Partial Day Primary Attendance Perspective)
Annual Summary (Half Day Summary)
The summary display view for student attendance status over a year.