Arrivals and Departures

Arrivals and Departures


When students arrive at school late or depart early they should be given an Arrival or Departure on Compass. This will ensure their attendance data is accurate and also update the applicable reports should the school's emergency management plan need to be initiated.

Arrivals and Departures can be registered on a Compass Kiosk or KioskLite by students tapping their ID card on the device.  
It can also be done from within Compass on the Attendance page by administration staff.

Student Arrival/Departure via a Compass Kiosk or KioskLite

Students who arrive late or depart early simply need to tap their ID card on the Compass Kiosk or KioskLite. They then need to choose either Arrival or Departure on the touch screen of the Kiosk or KioskLite and then specify the reason for their late arrival or early departure. 

If this is completed on a Compass Kiosk, a pass will then be printed for the student.  If your school has a KioskLite, you can also use a Compass Thermal Printer to have passes print.

The student's arrival or departure will show on their Attendance information for the day.

The Daily Summary/Emergency Export (accessed on the Attendance page under the Organisation menu) will also reflect Arrival and Departure activity.


Student Arrivals and Departures on the Compass Kiosk or KioskLite do not add an Approval note for the absence as students are not able to authorise their own absence. 

If an approval note was already added by staff or the parent, when the student arrives late or departs early their attendance data would show both the time of arrival or departure, and also an Approval note with the reason for this.
If no approval note was added, the arrival/departure detail would be added to the student's record but they would also have an unexplained absence entry that would require an approval.

If the parent comes into the school to drop off or collect the student, the parent can complete a Late Arrival or Early Departure process on the Compass Kiosk or KioskLite and this will both arrive (or depart) the student and add the Approval note explaining the absence.  In these instances, the student would not tap their ID card, the parent would complete the process entirely from the options available on the screen of the Kiosk or KioskLite.

Adding an Arrival/Departure via Compass

Students can be checked into Compass from the Attendance page on Compass - just hover over the Organisation menu (grid icon) and select 'Attendance' from the list.

Attendance Officers can keep the Attendance page open on a tab in their browser ongoing throughout the day for convenience.  They can have Compass open on additional tabs for other aspects they are working on.
Please note: Staff members require the permission AttendanceAdmin to add Arrivals and Departures. If you do not see the Arrival/Departure widget highlighted in the image below when on the Attendance page, then you do not have this permission.
From the Attendance Dashboard just use the options at the far right to quickly add an Arrival or Departure for a student. To do this type the student's name or student's code into the relevant box and hit either Enter/Return or Tab on your keyboard (both work). This will open a popup box where you can enter in the details of the Arrival/Departure.

For all Arrivals and Departures, when the Arrival/Departure Entry window opens you can alter the date and time of the Arrival/Departure to any date or time in the past, allowing these to be entered after the fact if your school does not have a kiosk and the office is not always staffed (whereby Arrivals/Departures are managed via a sign in/out sheet). 

You can choose to print a pass for the student by ticking the 'Print Pass' checkbox.


If the parent is with the student when you are entering an Arrival or Departure, or a note has been provided, you can add the Approval note at the same time as the Arrival or Departure. 
To do so, tick the 'Automatically insert an Attendance Note explaiming the selected student's non-attendance' option.  This will then allow you to select a Reason from the drop-down and add any details/comments.  The Approval note add for a late arrival will run from 7am until the time of Arrival; for an early departure, the Approval note will run from the time of the departure until 5pm.

The pop-up will display any impact the Arrival or Departure is going to have on the student's rolls for that day.  If rolls for the student are set to 'Override' the Attendance Officer adding the Arrival/Departure can adjust a roll status if needed.  This allows the individual entering the Arrival or Departure to edit the existing attendance status of the student based on your school's policy of attendance. Please refer to the 'Arrival and Departure Impact on Rolls' section below in this article for more information on the Override setting.

When 'Ok' is clicked, if the Attendance officer changed the student's attendance status for any roll, it will cause the applicable roll to be remarked and the Attendance officer will be listed on the roll's audit log.


If the roll setting is 'Confirmation', the option to adjust the student's roll status will not display.  Please refer to the 'Arrival and Departure Impact on Rolls' section below in this article for more information on the Override setting.

You can add an Arrival/Departure for multiple students at once.  Key the first student's name into the Arrival or Departure box on the Attendance page.  When the pop-up opens, add any additional students in the right hand section.


You can key in additional students one at a time or you can click 'Add Students' to add by cohort.
When you click 'Ok', the Arrival or Departure will be added for all listed students.

Please Note: You can add an Attendance Note for all the listed students however the students listed would all need to have the same reason of Approval.  This is useful if you have siblings all arriving late together or leaving early together as you can add the Approval Note for all the siblings in the one process.
It is important to note that Arrivals and Departures cannot be entered into the future - so if a student has a note allowing them to leave early they should still check out at the office or on the kiosk when they need to leave so they can be given a Departure on Compass. Not only does this update their class roll to reflect the time they left school, but it is also beneficial for duty of care and emergency management, as Compass will know that the student has departed for the day and display this clearly on the Daily Summary/Emergency Report.

Arrival and Departure Impact on Rolls

Within Compass when an Arrival or Departure is entered in Compass by staff for a student, depending on your portal's configuration, one of two things will happen, based on the student's year level and the selected mode:

  • Override Mode: When an Arrival/Departure is entered the person doing the entering will have the opportunity to alter the student's status (Present/Not Present/Late) on any rolls that have been marked and are effected by the Arrival/Departure. All rolls that have not been marked the system will pre-select the appropriate status for the student.
  • Confirmation Mode: When an Arrival/Departure is entered that would effect any rolls that have been marked the teacher for the class will receive a notification for a Suggested Roll Change and have the opportunity to either Accept or Reject the Suggested Roll Change. 

You can confirm your school's settings by hovering over the Tools menu (cog icon), clicking Administration Tools, and then selecting 'Year Level Management' from the list. On the Year Level Management page you'll see that each year level has an Arrival/Departure Behaviour setting, which is either Override or Confirmation. So depending on the setting in this column based on the year level of the student who the Arrival/Departure is for, the relevant behaviour described above will occur.


Please note: The permission Configure is required to access the Year Level Management page on Compass. 

Arrivals/Departures Impact on Rolls Not Yet Marked

Giving a student an Arrival/Departure will put the student's Arrival/Departure time on the roll, but it is up to the staff member responsible for the class to mark the roll accurately.  

The system will pre-select 'Late' or 'Not Present' on the roll and display the time the student received the Arrival/Departure under 'Detected Information'. When the staff member marks the roll they can confirm the student's correct attendance status by clicking 'Save' or changing the student's attendance status for that class if required. 

Arrivals/Departures Impact on Marked Rolls

The impact on marked rolls will depend on if the setting is 'Confirmation' or 'Override'.  To view these settings for your school, click the cog menu icon, choose 'Administration Tools' and then click on the 'Year Level Management' menu item.

When set to 'Confirmation', Compass creates a Suggested Roll Change for the lesson and the class teacher received a notification.


This Suggested Roll Change gives the teacher the option to update their roll to reflect the student's attendance status for the class. If the staff member does not want to update roll (for example the student was only 2 minutes Late to class and school policy says they should be marked 'Present', or the student did not attend the class after checking in at the office and should therefore be marked 'Not Present') they can choose to 'Dismiss Selected' in the Suggested Roll Changes section to remove them from the list. For the changes that are correct the teacher should choose 'Accept Selected'.

All Suggested Roll Changes for the school can be viewed on the 'Suggested Changes' tab on the Attendance page, available under the Organisation menu (grid icon). 


All outstanding Suggested Roll Changes can be viewed on a per-staff member basis from their profile page, under the 'Attendance' tab, by selecting the 'Rolls' subtab.


When the Roll mode is set to 'Override' Compass will select the applicable status for the Roll, it will display for the staff member adding the Arrival or Departure.  They can accept the status or change it.  When the Arrival/Departure is added, the roll will then update.


Note: If you have your roll open and are in the middle of marking it when a student Arrival is recorded, when you click to save your roll, a notification will appear on screen advising you of the update.


Kiosk Arrivals/Departures Impact on Marked Rolls

When students arrive or depart via the Compass Kiosk or KioskLite, the default mode is 'Confirmation' (regardless of the settings for the student's year level on the Year Level Management page) which will prompt a suggested change for the applicable staff member taking the class.  If you would like to discuss alternative behaviour for your school please contact our Support Team via
Legacy Versions: If your school was previously using your Compass Kiosk in Override mode (where a student checking in or out on the kiosk automatically updates the classroom roll) this functionality will still be turned on for you.

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