Staff with an Android device can use their phones as ID card readers for roll marking purposes.
When this feature is enabled for your school, the staff member can turn the NFC function on in their Android's settings, and then student ID cards can be tapped to the phone to update the student's status on the class roll as 'Present'.
Click here for a brief instructional video.
Any staff with access to marking a roll can use their Android device with the Rolltap feature.
To enable NFC (Near Field Communication) on your Android Device, go into the Settings menu and search 'NFC'. The option will show in the results, click it and ensure it is enabled.
Once you have turned the NFC setting on for your Android Device, within the Compass app, click into the class roll you need to mark.
To adjust the roll to read the cards, either hold a card to the device or press and hold the red banner at the top of the roll until it updates to 'Explicit' mode.
From here, tap each card to the Android device and the corresponding students will update to showing as 'P' on the roll. Save the roll per the usual process to record the correct attendance for the class.