Action Centre

Action Centre


Action Centre is the location within the parent portal where parent payments/details for events are managed.  

There are a series of tabs that contain a range of information.

Action CentreThis tab will show items requiring action by the parent
EventsThis tab shows any upcoming events that have been actioned or require actioning.  Parents can also view their child/children's past events on this tab.
VolunteeringThis tab shows the parent any upcoming events they can volunteer for and any events they are a volunteer for.  It also shows the parent their volunteer history for events.
PaymentsThis tab shows the parent their payment history in Compass.

Please see the sections further below in this article for a more detailed explanation of each tab.

Accessing Action Centre

Parents can access 'Action Centre' within their parent portal by clicking the Organisation menu (grid icon) and selecting 'Events'.

They will also be taken to 'Action Centre' anytime they click on an Event notification on their dashboard.

Please Note: If a staff member needs to view a parent's information in Action Centre, they can do so via the Impersonation function (provided the staff member has the Impersonate permission).

The Action Centre Tab

The 'Action Centre' tab contains items awaiting parent action i.e. Event consent/payments, Opt-in Event invitations, Volunteer invitations.

Clicking on any of the items listed will expand the details for the parent to process.  Once the parent has processed the item, it will no longer show on the 'Action Centre' tab but can be accessed on the 'Event' tab.

For details on processing event items, please refer to the 'Events' article from our Knowledge Base.

The Events Tab

This tab contains all upcoming event information for each child the parent has at the school.  It contains both, actioned events and events to be actioned.


Parents can click items to action them from this tab.  They can also click actioned items to view details.
They can also choose to view past events but selecting 'Past Events' from the drop-down at that top right of the tab.

Volunteering Tab

This tab contains the Volunteer information for the parent in relation to Events.

Parents can view details of events they have volunteered for or respond to Volunteer invitations from this tab.
They can also view past events they have volunteered for by selecting 'Past Events' from the drop down in the top right of the tab.

Payments Tab

This tab will show the parent's payment history in Compass for events.

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